Monday, September 22, 2008

A Quick Recap On What's Going On In Oro Valley

Now that I'm back and had the time to review the goings on in Oro Valley for the last month----thanks to our good friend Dick---The Zee Man, I thought I'd try to summarize what I missed.

1) It looks like I, and the rest of our neighbors in La Reserve are next on the Golder Ranch radar screen. It's not like we're surprised. We've known we were going to get zapped by Golder Ranch, as we, and our good friend Phil Richardson have been warning us for the past couple of years.

Those that received their latest tax bills, including the GRFD rates is a prelude to what the rest of us will go through shortly. What a horror story!

Now it may be too late to do anything but "pay the piper."

2) "Rest in Peace" Arroyo Grande. Now that we can't even vote on saving the land, we can only hope this council will do whatever is necessary to avoid thousands of new homes being built on this parcel to our immediate north. Even if the wildlife corridor is saved, we still have issues with water, traffic, congestion, infrastructure and just too many people.

3) It sure looks like SAHBA & NPCCC haven't stopped their whining as a result of the recent prudent actions by the OV Council. So---what else is new?

4) Well---- David Malin finally made his long awaited presentation to the council on behalf of Vestar. And what did we learn about this "Nothing Marketplace?" Nothing, that we couldn't find on their web site. Sure, there will be shoppers looking for bargins at Wal-Mart, but the right thing for ALL Oro Valley citizens to do is shop at those existing retailers that contribute 100% of OUR sales tax to US. Why would anyone want to line the pockets of Vestar to the tune of $23.2 million for Wal-Mart and other competitors to existing stores?

It's time to "pay" Malin & Vestar back for their lies and deceit!

STAY AWAY FROM THE OV Marketplace!!!!!!!!

5) Hopefully, enough of our neighbors will come to realize that the Naranja Park, with its multitude of fields is just way too much and a luxury we can't afford. Sure, a couple of ball fields for the kids would be great, but we don't need a $48.6 million park that will require millions of dollars to Maintain & Operate.

VOTE "NO" on the Naranja Park Property Tax in Nov.

6)) Finally, I couldn't help but note that Don Cox (OVOT) has not changed one bit. He still acts in his same old arrogant, obnoxious way---- but that's no surprise.

Some things change. Some don't.

Thanks again to The Zee Man for a great job in my absence.



Zev Cywan said...

The cauldron still boils!!!

mscoyote said...

Welcome back.
Of course you were missed : )

OV Objective Thinker said...

Hi All.....

In a recent previous post I made reference to Art's predisposition toward me. His comments on this post support my statements and I suggest you look at his commentary OBJECTIVELY.

Art......I didn't miss you although I knew you were on vacation.


Victorian Cowgirl said...


Don't you have a predisposition towards some people? Don't we all? After you've known someone for awhile, you learn what to expect from them.

For example, you always carry on about facts and objectivity, but you often fail to follow your own dictates. That's what I've learned to expect from you, and in that sense, you have never disappointed me! :)

OV Objective Thinker said...

VC...We all have predispositions. But that doesn't mean we must act upon them at every turn. Art goes out of his way to do so and that reinforces my previous comments.

As for your second comment, I think many posters on this blog, including the 'masters', at times fall into the category described by the old saying, Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is already made up."

We can all come up with differing conclusions, but facts remain facts and to best of my ability, I try to present and stick to the facts. But like all of us, I am imperfect.

Zev Cywan said...

ABSOLUTE TRUISM = ABSOLUTE FACT and THAT is a FACT! Only ABSOLUTE HISTORY is ABSOLUTE FACT. Nothing proposed, nothing cited, nothing demographic, nothing wished for, nothing that needs analysis, nothing purported to be history, can be deemed to be FACT. So, OV OT, I doubt that YOUR facts
can be truly be deemed as such.

IT is therefore that your statements are simply FACTS as YOU think them to be in accordance with the 'knowledge' you purport to have, and that is okay as long as you acknowledge that things are really only as they appear to be.