Previously we wrote about the very unsafe Buena Vista & Concordia intersection. With 30 accidents in the last 10 years and increasing traffic from CDO High School and an upcoming OVCN expansion, this intersection poses unique challenges.
What we did not relate at that time were some other serious traffic issues caused by this hard to navigate intersection. Resident David Rishor told us about some collateral damage caused by that mess.
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"What was missing from discussions about traffic issues [at Concordia and Buena Vista] is the Overlook Drive shortcut—or as we neighbors call it, the Oro Valley Motor Speedway.
This route is often overlooked.. but not by the traffic heading to or from the Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene and CDO High School. Why? It’s simple. We all know about the congestion and dangerous conditions at W. Calle Concordia and N. Buena Vista. Since this intersection is a nightmare, what do drivers do? They cut south on Overlook Drive, turn west on Spring Valley Drive, and then jump onto southbound Buena Vista—TA-DA! An easy, breezy way to bypass the congestion.
And bypass it they do! Day after day, weekend after weekend, we witness cars flying through this 25 mph residential area at criminal-level speeds. It’s terrifying. You should see it—OMG! Why isn’t Oro Valley P.D. taking advantage of this? They’re never around. Why not?
The solution? Simple.
Speed humps. Not speed bumps that force drivers to crawl at 5 mph, but properly designed humps that are smooth at 25 mph yet unforgiving to speeders. Go too fast? BAM—you’ll feel it!
Something must be done. This issue is serious, and it needs to stay part of the traffic conversation!"
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David...we definitely agree.