Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Oro Valley Town Council to Create 2025-2027 Strategic Plan

Oro Valley Town Council to discuss new strategic plan
The Oro Valley Town Council will hold a study session tomorrow to discuss projects, strategies, and guiding principles for the Strategic Plan for the upcoming two fiscal years (2025-2027). The current Strategic Plan covers this fiscal year (2024-2025) and the last fiscal year (2023-2024), meaning the Council must now develop a new plan for the next two fiscal years. The Strategic Plan is a significant document as it shapes budget priorities and guides long-term initiatives.

A current example: Trails Master Plan
Two years ago, the Council agreed to a plan that, among other things, called for "Creating a Trails Plan" focused on multi-use paths, natural surfaces, paved surfaces, access, connectivity, maintenance, mapping, promotions, and signage. [panel right] In November 2024, staff initiated a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a consultant to lead this effort. The RFP stated a budget of $50,000, an amount that should be in this year’s budget, though it has not been clearly identified.

The strategic plan is not the general plan

The General Plan is a voter-ratified document that outlines the town’s long-term vision for a 10-year period. The town is currently working on a new General Plan, OV Path Forward, which will take effect in 2026.

It is a council and staff interpretation of resident intent
The Strategic Plan, on the other hand, is a Council-approved document developed by town staff and reviewed by the Town Council. Unlike the General Plan, which is shaped by voter input, the Strategic Plan reflects a staff and council interpretation of the General Plan, setting the priorities for staff actions and activities. It matters even more than the General Plan because, unlike the broad statements in the General Plan, the Strategic Plan determines specific actions to be taken.

The translation from General Plan directives to Strategic Plan actions a open to wide interpretation
Over the years, LOVE has reported on the town’s Strategic Plans, and some residents have raised concerns about the process. These concerns include:
  • The Strategic Plan is shaped by town staff and the Council, which may lead to misalignment with residents’ priorities.
  • Staff controls the narrative, possibly selectively presenting information to the Town Council, resulting in a focus on growth that primarily benefits staff initiatives rather than community-driven needs.
  • The 2016 General Plan is still the guiding document for the Strategic Plan, since the 2026 General Plan has not yet been adopted. Some fear that the 2016 plan may be dismissed as outdated to justify new priorities that may not reflect resident approved long-term vision.
It is up to the council to get this right
Ultimately, it is up to the Town Council, not town staff, to ensure that the Strategic Plan aligns with the community’s vision. It is our hope that each of the seven Council members will challenge staff as needed to ensure that resident priorities remain at the forefront.
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