Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Traffic Safety Concerns at the Buena Vista and Concordia Intersection

Traffic control challenges ahead
The intersection of Buena Vista and Concordia presents unique traffic safety challenges. The current traffic control setup includes stop signs only on the north-south road, Buena Vista, while the east-west road, Concordia, has no traffic control measures. This disparity can create confusion among drivers, particularly those unfamiliar with the intersection, leading to an increased risk of accidents. Data from 2014 to 2024 shows a total of 30 accidents at this intersection.

High School traffic causes many incidents
One of the significant factors contributing to traffic congestion at this intersection is the presence of CDO High School. During weekdays, traffic volumes peak in the mornings and early afternoons as students, parents, and staff commute to and from the school. In fact, 60% of recorded accidents in the past ten years occurred during school hours and days, highlighting the impact of increased traffic during these periods. The increased volume of vehicles, combined with the absence of a traffic signal, can lead to congestion and higher chances of collisions.

Intersection layout complicates safe crossing

Another challenge stems from the unique layout of the intersection [panel right]. Drivers crossing from one section of Buena Vista to the other cannot proceed in a straight line; they must first turn left and then right to continue across. This complex maneuver introduces additional opportunities for driver error, potentially contributing to the high number of angle (front-to-side) collisions reported at this location. Of the total collisions recorded, 70% were angle collisions, further demonstrating the difficulties posed by the intersection's layout.

Most common accident cause is "Failure To Yield"
Accident data indicates that the most common cause of collisions at this intersection is "Failure to Yield Right of Way." This issue is particularly prevalent among vehicles traveling north or south on Buena Vista, which are required to stop at the intersection. In contrast, east-west traffic on Concordia, which does not have to stop, often proceeds at higher speeds, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Of the accidents caused by failure to yield, 81% involved north or southbound traffic.

Speeding and driver misjudgment also play a role
Speeding and misjudgments are additional contributing factors. Several accidents have been attributed to drivers traveling too fast for conditions, particularly during peak hours. The absence of dedicated turning lanes or clear signage further complicates navigation, making it crucial for drivers to remain vigilant.

Better traffic control needed now...
To improve safety at this intersection, potential solutions could include enhanced signage, additional traffic control measures such as flashing lights, or even a reconfiguration of the crossing pattern to allow for smoother transitions between Buena Vista's sections. Increased enforcement during high-traffic times may also help mitigate risks and promote safer driving behaviors. 

 ...Needed even more if OVCN expands
While 30 accidents over ten years might not be considered excessively high, it does suggest room for improvement in traffic safety. The unique intersection layout, school-related traffic, and the significant increase in Sunday morning and Wednesday night traffic as a result of the pending massive expansion of the Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene contribute to these incidents and could potentially add to future risks. Measures such as improved signage, traffic calming, or re-evaluating intersection control seem like viable actions the town should take to enhance safety and reduce accident occurrences.
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Statistics for the article were from accident data provided by the Town of Oro Valley.