Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oro Valley Unveils New "Bike Patrol"

In a short 5 paragraph Oct 29 article the Explorer reporter notes that Oro Valley unveiled a new Linear Park.

For just about no cost to the taxpayers, we now have a very nice additional place to walk, jog or ride a bike.

Another point brought out in the article is the fact that Oro Valley also unveiled its new "bike patrol."
It was noted that this patrol will be working out of a new substation at the OV Marketplace. I guess it's a good idea that the bike patrol will assist Vestar's private security in patrolling the Marketplace.

After all with a Wal-Mart, a new movie complex and the soon to be new Sun-Tran bus route coming up from South Tucson, would it be at all surprising if the potential for car thefts and other crimes increase in the area.

Read the article here.


boobie-baby said...

Your comments about the need for police with a Sun Tran line running to Oro Valley Marketplace from South Tucson is racism at its worst. There should be no place on this forum for bigotry, or even innuendo that somehow the people riding the bus to Oro Valley from a predominantly Hispanic portion of the community will require the presence of more police. You should be ashamed of yourself.

artmarth said...

Boobie--- You interpret what you want. The fact remains that there is more crime in the area of south Tucson(Little "s") than in OV.

A combination of a Walmart, a movie complex and people coming from out of the community via bus just might be a formula for more crime.

I'll have to ask the number of Hispanic friends I play ball with if my comment was offensive.

In the meantime when you see fit to identify yourself rather than hide behind your pseudonym, then maybe you can preach to me.

boobie-baby said...

So, by your reasoning, these undesirable elements will hop on a bus in South Tucson, ride all the way to Oro Valley, commit some nefarious deed, and then take the bus back from whence they came.

Are you nuts?

Pseudonyms do not hide bigotry, hatred, and prejudice. No one is preaching to you because it's virtually impossible to change the mind of someone who has such built-in biases.

Any large parking lot is a magnet for thieves, regardless of its locality. Crime is just as bad at Tucson Mall or La Encantada as it is anywhere else. I, for one, am happy to see OVPD cooperating with Vestar's security patrols. Accidents happen in shopping center parking lots, kids shoplift or get separated from their parents, adults get drunk at Macaroni Grill, etc., etc.

I believe you owe an apology to everyone who reads this blog--or at least something to the effect that you "misspoke" with your remarks about Sun Tran bringing crime to Oro Valley. There's absolutely no data to back up that assertion.

Again, shame on you--and shame on all of the participants on this site who let your racism pass by without comment.

Fear the Turtle said...


I think thou thus protest too much about Art's statement, and it seems as though you might be the one with some deep rooted bigotry.
Racism has no place on this blog or anywhere and for you spark the fires is irresponsible and offensive.

boobie-baby said...

The fact that I take offense at Art's unsupported statements does not in any way reflect on me. We all have our biases--for sure. But when an unsubstantiated statement like Art's goes unchallenged, then it's up to us bloggers to point it out.

As Alinsky wrote, the most immoral of all acts is no act at all. In other words, it would be more immoral NOT to respond to Art's insensitivity.

Protest too much? On THIS blog? Never happens.

artmarth said...

Boob-ie--- Your comments might be worth something if they weren't from some anonymous entity.

When you have enough gumption to identify yourself, I'll apologize to anyone I might have offended.

Oh--by the way, did you happen to notice the movie complex already was broken into---prior to the Grand Opening.

And one more thing, those that arrive by bus who are inclined to come here for underhanded deeds will probably be driving away with someone's car that will end up being sold in Mexico. (Is that too a bigoted statement?)

Your statements about me being racist is too damn ignorant to even respond further.

Identify yourself, or shut up. Calling me a racist and hiding behind some ignorant boob name shows no class whatsoever. SHAME ON YOU!!!!

boobie-baby said...

Let's let others decide where the shame belongs.

"Ignorant boob," huh?

Well, that certainly raises the quality of the dialogue, doesn't it?

artmarth said...

Boob-ie---You seem to avoid the issue of hiding behind some pseudonym.

How easy it is to berate someone while hiding beyond the shelter of anonymity.

As I said---identify yourself, or at the very least, show some class.

Now, that shouldn't be so difficult for someone as enlightened as you profess to be.

Yes. We'll let our readers decide which of the two of us will stand up and comment where everyone knows who I am, whereas you're too insecure to let anyone know who is making these unfounded, uneducated comments about me.

As I said---SHAME ON YOU!!!

boobie-baby said...

It's Halloween. I could be anyone, perhaps someone right outside your door. Boo!

(And now I'll hop right back on the Sun Tran bus to South Tucson).

artmarth said...

That's the kind of response I'd expect from a gutless wimp!

boobie-baby said...

Oooooooh. "Gutless wimp." "Ignorant boob." The next thing you'll call me is "Republican vice presidential candidate." That would REALLY hurt.

Perhaps a course in anger management might be in order here. Just admit it--you made a bigoted, unfounded statement in your original post and let's move beyond name-calling because it merely diminishes the name-caller and doesn't add anything to the discourse except vitriol.

artmarth said...

That's fine Boob. As long as your comfortable making an ignorant, unfounded charge about me being a racist, and still insist in remaining anonymous speaks volumes.

Our readers will judge me. Our readers will have to wonder who hides behind a pseudonym and doesn't have the guts to identify them self.

You must be really proud of that!

As to the original issue, the OV police bike squad will have their hands full soon enough.Mark my words---that Marketplace will be ripe for new crime coming to our community---from outside the area.

boobie-baby said...

They'll also have to wonder who has such a poor grasp of the English language
"..your" (sic)

"who doesn't have the guts to identify them self" (sic).

"As long as your (sic" comfortable..."

Who's the ignorant one?

artmarth said...

My problem was writing too quickly without too much concern for grammar & spelling. That was a mistake.

Your problem was making a stupid, thoughtless accusation about me being a racists.

Our readers will decide who is ignorant.

You're still too gutless to identify yourself.

That makes you the ignorant, gutless anonymous one.

As long as you continue on this issue, you'll still come out looking like the big fool.
Too bad our readers won't have a name, other than "BOOB!"

boobie-baby said...

So, let' see here: I'm ignorant, a wimp, a boob and gutless.

This blog's readers will easily distinguish who, between the two of us, deserves those monikers.

And all this because you won't admit to making a bigoted statement.

[You forgot, too, that the same bus that runs from the southside also passes near Grant and Oracle, a traditionally African-American area. Perhaps those residents need some cars to steal from the OVM parking lot, too].

It's truly sad, Art, to see you turn into a name-caller who refuses to own up to his mistakes. It's your blog--you can say anything you want. But don't expect us to swallow everything you say without close questioning. Your feud with OVOT is equally ridiculous and serves no useful purpose.

The "character" of the name-caller is much more evident to the reader than the person against whom the names are applied. So, now we have all we need to know about you.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Boobie baby,

OK, time for me to chime in. You don't think that criminals from south Tucson will come to OV to commit crimes and then go back to south Tucson? And if we suggest that it means we're racists?

Hmmmm. Then explain THIS one. Last year my house was broken into by a hispanic man. My neighbor saw him running from my front door. He entered through the patio doors out back by breaking the glass, stole a jar of change, and ran out the front door. My neighbor got the vehicle make and license plate but it turned out to be a STOLEN plate.

When the police arrived, the HISPANIC POLICE OFFICER told me that this is common...that they come from south Tucson with a stolen vehicle or a stolen plate, drive to OV "where the money is," break into homes here and drive back to south Tucson.

So....was the Hispanic police officer a racist because he made that statement? Is he a racist against his OWN race? Or was he just stating facts from police statistics?

I have no use for political correctness. If someone's feelings are hurt because someone else spoke the truth...too bad. Suddenly, freedom of speech is "unacceptable" to some people and we're all supposed to pretend that certain elements of our society do not exist and we dare not speak of them or we'll be labeled racists.

By the way, I had another experience with OV cops a few years ago when they came to investigate something on my street. The WHITE MALE cop would only speak to my husband. He completely ignored me. Each time I tried to tell him what I'd heard, he turned and walked away from me. He wouldn't even make eye-contact with me. I guess he was superior because he was a white male and I was just a woman.

So my experience with OV cops is that I couldn't stand the white male cop who showed up but I really liked the hispanic cop who showed up. He was so professional and courteous.

I also believe what Art said about crime from south Tucson making it's way to OV. So, Boobie-baby, you have quite a conundrum here. You would label me a racist for saying that but you'll have a hard time explaining how I liked the hispanic cop better than the white one.

You also said, "let's move beyond name-calling because it merely diminishes the name-caller and doesn't add anything to the discourse except vitriol." Gee, how come you never say that when Thinker is doing the name-calling?

boobie-baby said...

The "Thinker's" name calling is equally odious and unnecessary.

And how do we handle the conundrum of Hispanics breaking into other Hispanics' homes? There's no end to PC discusions. I just object to the underhanded way it got slipped into the original post.

I'm done with this string. OV Marketplace is a reality. Do what you want.

artmarth said...

The fact remains I'll leave it up to our readers to determine whether or not I'm a racist.

Anyone that makes that charge without knowing what the hell they're talking about is IGNORANT.

A GUTLESS WIMP is totally appropriate for someone that makes that charge and hides behind the veil of anonymity.

I guess you're still too much of an ignorant, gutless wimp to identify yourself. That's not surprising.

We should expect nothing less from one that goes by the pseudonym "BOOB!"

Victorian Cowgirl said...


The original comment also mentioned more crime as a result of Wal-Mart and the movie theater. YOU are the one who chose to focus on the south Tucson portion of it.

But I guess I gave you a strong counter-argument because you weren't able to debate me any further on it.

Speaking the truth does not make someone a racist.

artmarth said...

I do not need to defend my original post to the "BOOB," but our readers may find the following statistics meaningful.

Crime Risk
South Tucson vs.Arizona
Total Crime Risk 613 153
Personal Crime Risk738 109
Murder Risk 907 144
Rape Risk 720 105
Robbery Risk 831 99
Assault Risk 661 112
Property Crime Risk359 158
Burglary Risk 353 141
Larceny Risk 415 146
MotorVehicleTheftRisk391 238

Nombe Watanabe said...

Jesus H. Christ! What does this name calling, hate and discontent have to do with making OV a better place?

Come on lets use this blog to state our views, not go nuts on each other.

As Ringo Star recently said; "Peace Love"

Nombe W