Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Arroyo Grande Annexation On Oro Valley Council Agenda Nov 19

As reported in the Oct. 29 Explorer, the Oro Valley Council will have four important General Plan Amendments on the agenda at the Nov. 19 meeting.

Without question, the most important issue confronting the council and all the citizens of Oro Valley, as well as our neighbors to the north, is the status of the 14 sq. mile parcel known as Arroyo Grande

Prior to Oro Valley's potential annexation of this State Land owned parcel, a General Plan Amendment must be approved.

The question of whether OV should even attempt to annex this parcel, or leave it in the hands of Pima County is debatable. Regardless of your position, this is the time to have your voices heard.

Please read about this amendment plus the others by clicking here.

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