Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Guest View: Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene (OVCN) has Morphed from a Benign Growth to an Invasive Cancer on the Neighborhood

The below speech was given by Oro Valley resident David Dievert during the September 6, 2023 Oro Valley Town Council meeting during the Call to Audience segment. Dievert and his wife have been residents of Oro Valley for 30 years and are opposed to the Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene’s plan to build a huge sports complex with a lighted outdoor athletic field in their rural and historic neighborhood. LOVE added the subheadings.
Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene demolished numerous structures without a permit
Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene (OVCN) purchased the Tellez property in June 2020 and almost immediately demolished the existing structures on the property. The structures included a 2,693 square foot block house built in 1980. Also demolished were a large masonry barn, stable, swimming pool, workshop, and other structures.

I called the town official responsible for permits after seeing truckload after truckload of material being hauled from the site to see if the required permit was issued. The town official said that a permit had not been issued and that they would go to the site and check on it. I don’t know if OVCN ever received the required permit.

In addition, the church removed copious amounts of vegetation from the property almost immediately after purchase. Removal of the vegetation created increased noise, increased heat island effect, more lighting pollution for the neighbors, more dust, less wildlife, and other adverse conditions for the neighborhood.

These actions demonstrate arrogance on the part of the church
The immediate changes to the former Tellez property demonstrates arrogance on the part of the church indicating that they believed that the town would approve their [rezoning] plans without hesitation.

Their arrogance also includes trying to coerce the town into approving their plan based on the argument that a sports complex is a religious activity. It is not. By definition, sports is a form of recreation and physical activity engaged in for pleasure. It is not for indoctrination to teach the beliefs or doctrines of a particular group.

OVCN is a cancer on the neighborhood
It started as a benign growth on the neighborhood, but over the years OVCN has grown into a fast-growing cancer that is destroying the neighborhood. The effect of rezoning and development of a sports complex proposed by the church will let the cancer continue to grow. The only way to stop the cancer is to cut the cancer out or attempt to stop its growth.

The Mayor and Town Council Members have the power to fight the cancer or at the very least to stop it from growing. It is time for the town to fight injustice to this neighborhood and say “No” to rezone and stop further destruction and death of the historic neighborhood.

OVCN’s invasion will cause neighbors to become prisoners in their own homes
The neighborhood was here long before the church invaded. The neighbors should not have to be walled in and stay indoors like prisoners on their own properties to protect them from the negative effects of the church.