Former Oro Valley Deputy Chief Stevens disputes key assertion regarding Candidate Sharp’s financial competence
In a communication to LOVE, former Oro Valley Deputy Chief Stevens disputes an assertion in the Guest View of former Council Member Bill Garner. It regards Candidate Danny Sharp’s financial acumen. That Guest View concluded Sharp needed the help on Oro Valley resident with the 2011 budget. According to the writer, this demonstrated that Sharp does not have financial competence.
This is “Not so,” according to Stephens. “Bill Garner talks about the department, including me, reaching out to John Musolf because Chief Sharp was at a loss. Not correct, Chief Sharp and I met with many residents over budgetary and other issues they questioned. We met with John Musolf as he presented himself as Bill Garner's budget advisor and we hoped to educate John a bit to avoid the constant public misrepresentations.”
ORO VALLEY, Ariz. (July 21, 2022) – The Oro Valley Police Department (OVPD), through financial support from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (AZGOHS), has received $64,528.00 in funding during Fiscal Year 2022 to support the purchase of a vehicle specifically dedicated to detecting and addressing hazardous collision causing driving behaviors. In addition to being deployed on the main thoroughfares of the Town, the vehicle will be utilized to address traffic safety concerns voiced by the community. (Source: Oro Valley Police Department Press Release)
Town of Oro Valley is implementing a new water billing system
“If you don't receive your Vista at the usual time next month, that’s because the Town is transitioning its Water Utility billing system to a new vendor, and there will be a shift in the timing of when you receive your water bill in the mail (which is how we distribute the Vista). Keep an eye out for more details coming soon from the OV Water Utility.” (Source: Oro Valley Vista Newsletter, August 2022)
Challenger candidates campaign at the Oro Valley Church of Nazarene
Oro Valley’s next town council will have to make a decision on approving or denying the Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene’s (OVCN) request to rezone and repad land next to the church so that OVCN can create a sports megaplex. There is longstanding and continuing opposing to this by every neighbor.
Here we see current Council member Greene, and council candidates Joe Erceg and Charlie Hurt “all smiles” at the OVCN a few weeks ago.
The reader who sent us the picture notes that Council Member Greene is wearing a shirt with the Oro Valley logo, making it appear that he is representing the town. The reader also observes that candidate Erceg states on his web site that he had recently joined OVCN and that he looks forward to being involved in a large sports program in the future. The reader also wonders if candidate Charlie Hurt displays de facto support for the Church simply by being in the photo.
The question the reader poses: Will the neighbors have any hope of prevailing if Erceg and Hurt are elected, given that the Oro Valley Town Council already has two OVCN Members (Greene and Solomon)?
Ownership of the Vistoso Trails Nature Preserve transferred to the Town of Oro Valley
The Town of Oro Valley has officially assumed ownership of the Vistoso Trails Nature Preserve (formerly known as the Vistoso Golf Course), an open space for passive recreation such as walking, biking and bird watching. The Town will be working on safety improvements including general maintenance and paved pathway repairs.
A temporary trailhead has been designated near the former clubhouse, located on the 6.3-acre parcel of land that was purchased by independent developer Ross Rulney and is not part of the Town-owned 202-acre parcel. Restrooms will remain closed as staff assesses the best way to make necessary improvements, to include ADA accessibility. Stay tuned for details on a master planning process that will begin this fall. For more information and an updated trail map visit and search for VISTOSO. (Source: Oro Valley Vista Newsletter, August 2022)
Town of Oro Valley hosting conversation on mental health
Town of Oro Valley hosting conversation on mental health
ORO VALLEY, Ariz. (July 26, 2022) – The Town of Oro Valley invites residents to participate in a Community Conversation on Mental Health on Tuesday, August 9 at 6 p.m. in the Oro Valley Council Chambers (11000 N. La Cañada Drive).
This first-time event is hosted by the Oro Valley Parks and Recreation Department and will feature a panel of representatives from the Oro Valley Police Department, Oro Valley Parks and Recreation, Golder Ranch Fire District, Arizona Complete Health and local mental health professionals.
The community is invited to come and learn about local mental health resources, have insightful conversations and ask questions to panel members. The event is free and will also be available virtually via Zoom. (Source: Town of Oro Valley Press Release)