The Town of Oro Valley incorporated in 1974. It was 2.4 square miles, centered around the Kreigh Park area. That's the "original" Oro Valley.
Obviously, Oro Valley is much bigger today. It is 36 square miles. That is the result of 20 annexations:
• 12 annexations were less than 1 sq mi
• 5 annexations were between 1 and 3 sq mi
• 3 annexations were greater than 3 sq mi
Rancho Vistoso was the "big annexation"
The town annexed Rancho Vistoso in 1987. When annexed, Sun City was pretty much Rancho Vistoso.
"Sun City was still a relatively small retirement neighborhood miles to the north of Tucson when Oro Valley annexed it in 1987, and the development transitioned from Pima County to the young town.... more than half of Rancho Vistoso was set aside for open space or recreation, including parks, golf course."(source)
Plans for more annexation on the horizon
The town has created a draft annexation plan. That plan is in the process of town council review. The draft plan includes annexation of the following in the future
- Next three years: 800 acres of state lands
- Four to six years: The east side of Oracle Road, north of Ina. That annexation would include Westward Look Resort
- Seven to ten years: Almost 6,000 acres from Ina Road, past La Cholla, north to Overton. That area includes the Foothills Mall.
- Ten years plus: 11,600 acre annexation of the land that is known as "Great Wash". This land is north of Rancho Vistoso.
Landowner approval required
Regardless of what Oro Valley plans, the owners of the properties being sought for annexation must approve the annexation. That approval requires 51% of the total land value saying "yes." Not everyone says "yes." The last time the town tried to convince the Foothills Mall area to join the town they got a resounding "no."