Friday, November 15, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Hiremath Resigns From MAIG

On October 25, we reported that Mayor Hiremath had signed-on to support NYC Mayor Bloomberg's ill-conceived effort to restrict gun ownership (MAIG).  We were the first to report the fact that Mayor Hiremath had signed on to this group.

Though we did not say it in the posting, we knew, at that time, that his endorsing MAIG was politically dangerous for the Mayor, since what MAIG advocates rankles the "law and order" citizenry.  These people are Mayor Hiremath's political base.

Now, we learn, the Mayor has resigned from MAIG.  (Source) Apparently, the Mayor actually looked into the group and, after gun advocacy groups got on his case, decided that it was best politics to get out of it.

We guess that Mayor Hiremath finally decided that a law abiding community like Oro Valley "don't want no more gun control."

Didn't Mayor Hiremath have enough sense to know this in the first place?
Oracle and Magee Continue To Be Oro Valley's Major Collision Intersection
Your Water Rates To Rise In January

This week, the Oro Valley Water Commission discussed the final report of consultant CM2Hill on the cost of serving customer and increased water rates.  The final study results and recommendations are the same as we reported in September.  Rates will be going up in January.
Neighborhood Meeting On Kai Property November 19

There is a second public hearing next week on the Kai Property.  Meritage Homes would like to build 211 homes on 117 acres of the Kai Property. The homes will be located on the central and northern portions of the Kai Property.  Use of the property in this manner will require a zoning change, as we have previously reported.
Oro Valley Named Bicycle Friendly

"The Town of Oro Valley has been named a “Silver Level” Bicycle Friendly Business (BFB) by the League of American Bicyclists. The League describes a bicycle-friendly business as one that, “welcomes cyclists with trails, bike lanes, share-the-road campaigns, organized rides and Bike to Work Day events...As part of this new designation, the Town will have access to a variety of free tools and technical assistance from the League to make biking even better in Oro Valley. (Source: Oro Valley Press Release)

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