Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Council To Consider UHaul Location Tonite

Tonight, the Oro Valley Town Council will consider approving a conditional use permit ("CUP") for a U-Haul facility to be located at and operated by Ace Hardware (Tangerine and First).  An applicant can apply for a CUP if the current zoning of a property does not permit the requested use.  The council, by majority vote, can approve this use. The recommendation for approval was unanimous by the Planning and Zoning Commission at its May meeting.

As we have noted in previous postings, Oro Valley does not have a zoning designation for truck rentals.  So, town staff is using the auto rental designation. According to the staff report: "The Planning and Zoning Administrator has determined that the proposed use is equivalent to a car rental facility."  Town staff has the authority to make such administrative decisions. However, the town council does not have to approve of such.

Town staff has recommended approval of the facility subject to the following approval conditions:
  1. The applicant shall install 36” box trees in the locations depicted on the attached sketch. All trees shall be maintained during the duration of the U-Haul business. [Note: This is in lieu of an initially recommended two-course increase to and existing wall in the rear parking log.  The applicant said they could not afford to cost of this and the planning and zoning commission thought of and then approved this shrubbery solution.)
  2. Any rental vehicle parked in front of the Ace Hardware Store shall be removed within a period of forty-eight (48) hours. 
  3. The total number of vehicles associated with the U-Haul business shall not exceed eight (8) moving trucks and a combination of ten (10) cargo vans, trailers, and passenger trucks
  4. Eighteen (18) parking stalls located behind the Ace Hardware store shall be designated for parking rental vehicles and equipment (trailers, tow halls, etc.). 
  5. All rental vehicles shall not overhang into the adjacent drives. Rental vehicles may overhang into the adjacent sidewalk provided that a four (4’) foot wide, clear pathway is maintained. 
  6. No diesel vehicles shall be permitted.
  7. Hours of operation shall be from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday thru Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday, and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday.
Our Analysis:

If you've visited the back of the shopping center you will realize that it will be a "push" to store vehicles of any significant size there.  The issue is whether or not doing such impedes fire lanes.

Leaving rental vehicles for up to 2 days in front of the Ace Hardware is really a bit excessive, don't you think? Does it really take 2 days to move a vehicle to the rear of the designated parking area?  We wonder if other tenants of the shopping center object.

Even if you like the agreement, Oro Valley has no mechanism to police this agreement.  The town will only know if the shrubs die, or if there are rental vehicles parked in front for more than 48 hours, or if the number of vehicles associated with the business exceeds the stated limits, or if a diesel vehicle is parked there if someone complains.  Then, if the town chooses, it will investigate.  So, really, after approval, there is no guarantee that applicant will adhere to the terms of the CUP.

We do "feel" for the ACE Hardware owner.  A Home Depot is down the street.  A competing ACE Hardware is at Lambert and LaCanada.  Every time we've been in the store its been empty of customers.  Our gut feeling is that this is a move to find a business that will generate some cash to supplement the existing hardware business.

This makes good business sense.  We hope it works for them.

The question council will decide tonight:  Does it make good sense for Oro Valley?


Deane Alban said...

Ace Hardware is a true asset to the community. Everyone there is very helpful. They carry specialty items you can't find elsewhere and devote a nice section to local art. You could die waiting in Home Depot trying to get helped. When we moved to Oro Valley we had to return our rental truck to Budget on Stone Ave. - not very convenient after having drive 3,000 miles across the country. For all these reason I hope this works out for them.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hello Deane,

Welcome to the LOVE blog.

I would certainly agree that having a truck rental location in Oro Valley makes sense. I would also agree that ACE Hardware and people at this ACE Hardware are terrific.

The problem that seems to be of concern to people is whether this particular property is suitable for this type of use. The location was never designed or planned for such. It is a very cramped area.

Well, the council will need to sort it out.

You should attend the council meeting and speak on it when it is time for public comment.

I am sure that the seven Council Members will listen to your comment.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

If this passes, I'm just happy to see that the plan was changed from building a wall to protect residents' views to planting trees/shrubs instead.

I'm not sure why walls are always chosen as the first option. Trees are much more aesthetically pleasing to the eye than a wall. Trees also clean pollutants from the air and give us oxygen. They also give us shade and habitat for wildlife.

A wall does none of these things. What does a wall do other than create a canvas for graffiti artists?

Anonymous said...

My big fear is this CUP is that Council will approve this.

Home Depot and the other ACE could request a CUP for rental trucks in their parking lots.

A truck rental facility would be much better located along Oracle Road.

Anonymous said...

Before someone tells me about the one Home Depot truck, I must say I know about it. I was referring to additional truck rentals, like Penske, being permitted in other parking lot locations in Oro Valley.

I feel for the citizens living behind ACE. The sights, noises, pollution, etc. will not help when attempting to sell.

I would not want any truck rental in my backyard!

Nombe Watanabe said...

I do not think ACE would need more than 3 or 4 trucks total. There cannot be that much demand for this service.

If the plan is approved, ACE must invest in major screening.

I like this store, and I want them to prosper, but rental trucks are unsightly!