Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Oro Valley's La Mesa RV's Annex

Oro Valley has a La Mesa RV annex.  It is in the Oro Valley Marketplace.  Periodically, about 100 RV's show up in the Marketplace parking lot, to the right as you enter from Oracle Road.  There, they are displayed for all to see.

La Mesa Mesa RV applied for and received a special use permit (MB1300125) for the display and sales. The fee is $370. They also received an “Off Premises Permit” from the ADOT Motor Vehicle Division.

Here, they display their RV's.   However, the actual sale takes place off premises so that Oro Valley receives none of the sale tax.   La Mesa enters into an agreement with the buyers here in Oro Valley and then the buyer goes to their dealership to sign the papers.  Repeat:  Oro Valley gets none of the sales tax. The reason they do not pay sales taxes to Oro Valley is because the purchasers do not take possession of the RVs in Oro Valley, but at La Mesa’s actual place of business, which is located outside of the Town limits.

We wonder:  The town gets no tangible benefit from this activity. It is an eyesore.  Why does the town allow it?


Anonymous said...

When and why was this approved?

Anonymous said...
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Richard Furash, MBA said...

The permit was issued by the town. it was not approved by Council.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

How often do they have to pay the $370 fee?

Nombe Watanabe said...

They get have these "shows" for entertainment value. There is nothing else to do in this burg

OV Objective Thinker said...

Really Richard, "an eyesore"? You must have very delicate eyes.

But I suppose if this is all you have to bitch about in this great community, thing must be doing OK.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

RV's ARE an eyesore! That's why in many HOA's, residents are not allowed to park an RV on the street or even in the driveway.

OVOT states...if THIS is all you have to bitch about...

Yes, that's all we've been bitching about for the past few years on this blog...RV's.