Sunday, February 26, 2012

Alert: Political Sign Tampering

We have been informed that political signs of "We are Oro Valley" have been tampered. The signs factually state that "Solomon Voted To Double Your Taxes" and "Solomon Voted To Kill Coyote Run."  The signs were legally place in proximity to Steve "The Trashman" Solomon's giant yellow signs. Some of these signs have been stolen or moved. This will be reported to the Town's Inspection and Compliance Division.

And here's a picture of one of Mike Zinkin's signs, at Magee and Northern, that was run over.

Who is doing this?

We have absolutely no idea.

But someone is running scared.

They should.

Political sign tampering is a punishable offense.


Dan said...

Exiting Sun City this a.m. noticed that the Solomon sign is missing from near the entrance to the gas station at RV Blvd. and Oracle?????

The "We are OV" sign addressing his raising taxes vote is there. Is the Appointed One moving his signs? And maybe sometimes moving the the negative ones?

Faveaunts said...

I have noticed several of his signs have been relocated after his voting record sign was placed beside it. In several cases, his signs were moved forward just enough to nearly block the WeareOV sign from view. Didn't he throw out at the candidate forum that people could check his voting record? Now it's out there & somone on that team has an issue with it? Clearly he forgot to mention these votes on the 3 postcards he sent out.

Sua Sponte said...

The Solomon signs by Safeway have been removed leaving the "We are OV" signs.

OV Objective Thinker said...

I have seen two signs that have anti-Solomon statements on the. There may be more. But the two I have seen are total fabrications. In other words they are both lies.

While I do not support the tampering with or removal of signs (truth be known I am opposed to all political signs)if accurate information is a basis for signage, then the signs should be removed.

Faveaunts said...


What part of Solomon's Aye vote to increase the utility tax is a lie?

May 4, 2011

MOTION: A motion was made by Councilmember Hornat and seconded by Vice Mayor Snider to approve Ordinance No. (O)11-14, amending the Tax Code of the Town of Oro Valley, Article IV, Chapter 8A, Section 480, relating to the utility services tax rate.

Mayor Hiremath called the question and requested a roll call vote.

Mayor Hiremath: Aye
Vice Mayor Snider: Aye
Councilmember Garner: Nay
Councilmember Gillaspie: Nay
Councilmember Hornat: Aye
Councilmember Solomon: Aye
Councilmember Waters: Aye

MOTION carried, 5-2 with Councilmembers Garner and Gillaspie opposed.

We ARE Oro Valley said...

My Dear Mr. Cox,

I strongly suggest you read the minutes from theTown Council meetings!

Solomon voted to double the Utility Tax and voted initially to defund Coyote Run prior to flipping on the issue. (You may recall he additionally wanted to raise the sales tax AND appears to support Hiremath in in quest for an Oro Valley Property Tax!)

Read the record! As usual, you make totally false allegations claiming false allegations.

Do your homework before posting false statements Mr. Cox.

Conny Culver
Chair for

OV Objective Thinker said...

Dear Ms. Culver and Faveaunts:

There has NEVER been a vote to "cut Coyote Run". There has been an ongoing move to transfer the funding of Coyote Run to the RTA who, once the 1/2 cent sales tax was passed by the voters and and gave local public transpotration to the RTA. So I would hope that since you all gritched about changing the minutes to summary minutes that you go back and LISTEN TO OR READ what was actually proposed.

Secondly the sign in question clearly states the word "TAXES". We have singular and plural in the English language for a reason. Solomon voted to double the utility TAX (by a whopping 2%.

It is clear that the "WE ARE ORO VALLEY" have a total disregard for the truth.

arizonamoose said...

Quoting OVOT (a.k.a. Don Cox):
“I have seen two signs that have anti-Solomon statements on them. There may be more. But the two I have seen are total fabrications. In other words they are both lies”
Don, you need to do some research before you call someone a liar.
FaveAunts already gave you documentation on Steve Solomon’s vote on the utility tax on May 4, 2011 Town Council Meeting Regular Agenda Item 4.

Finance Director Stacey Lemos gave an overview of the proposed Utility Tax increase from 2% to 4%.
MOTION.: A motion was made by Councilmember Hornat and seconded by Vice Mayor Snider to approve Ordinance No. (O)11-14, amending the Tax Code of the Town of Oro Valley, Article IV, Chapter 8A, Section 480, relating to the utility services tax rate.
MOTION carried, 5-2 with Councilmembers Garner and Gillaspie opposed.
Let’s give you some documentation on the second sign.
April 20, 2011 Town Council Meeting – Regular Agenda Item 3
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilmember Waters and seconded by Councilmember Hornat direct staff to move forward with Option C as discussed February 23, 2011 and begin the processes necessary to discontinue the Transit Services Division.

Councilmember Garner stated that he would vote against the motion for the following reasons:
- The program was not vetted properly
- The education progress needed to begin a year ahead of time for a successful transition
- The Council could find $300,00 in the budget to fund transit

Councilmember Solomon asked Councilmember Garner how the Council was going to cut money out of the budget if he was going to vote against cost reductions.

MOTION carried, 6-1 with Councilmember Garner opposed.

John Musolf

artmarth said...

Faveaunts, Conny, John, et al--- You'd all have more success trying to teach a dog how to play the trombone.

It's totally useless.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Oh Thinkerbelle,

Everyone refers to tax in the plural taxes. But besides that, since we have THREE utilities that are now being taxed at 4% instead of 2%, that is an increased tax on THREE separate bills, therefore the tax IS plural!