Monday, August 2, 2010

Might Oro Valley Learn From Marana's Business Incentive Program?

Every so often we see fit to report some news on our neighbor, Marana.

We thought this Az Star article might be of interest. It concerns Marana's way of enticing new businesses.

No "giveaways," and nothing for the likes of Vestar and other retail developments.

Here's the Star article.


Richard Furash, MBA said...

This Marana "Expedited Development Review Program" is exactly what Mike Zinkin recommended for Oro Valley during is campaign.

Notice that the program does not involve making it "easy" to blow past building and zoning codes. It merely focuses on accelerating the review process.

Will Oro Valley adopt the Zinkin-Marana model?

OV Objective Thinker said...

The "model" than Zeeman references has been discussed in OV circles long before Mike Zinkin was a candidate. One of the great barriers to that model have beel folks like Zeeman, Segal, Latas, Garner, VC, OV Mom and the other cast of narrow-minded LOVE blog posters.

OV Objective Thinker said...

So much for not reviewing the post before pushing the button....

"that" rather than "than" and "been" rather than "beel".

There I go again being human!!!

Victorian Cowgirl said...

I can't resist pointing this one out.

Now Thinker claims that I have been "one of the great barriers" to the Development Review program. I had no idea that I had so much clout in this town!

I wonder how I obtained so much clout when my thoughts are always so irrational and stupid and I have no grip on reality? (In the world according to Thinkerbell.)