John Musolf recently sent the following email to the Oro Valley Council. Anyone that lives in OV or pays taxes here should read John's message.
Mayor and Council,
Oro Valley has conducted past professional management studies of some of its departments such as Building Safety, Public Works, Legal, and Library to provide a detailed analysis of how the Town compares to established standards and benchmarks of operations.
Management studies are conducted with the intent of utilizing an experienced and independent third party to review current strategies and operations and make recommendations to improve efficiency and delivery of services.
Two management studies of the Police and Parks/Recreation Departments had been approved and scheduled to commence in the summer of 2010.
The new Oro Valley Mayor and Council decided to eliminate those studies.
Therefore, it falls to the individual taxpayer to question some of the operations and budgets for various Town Departments.
Please review the attached analysis that I made of the Police Department Task Force. Please make this email part of the Oro Valley Public Records.
Thank You
John Musolf
Oro Valley Taxpayer
Oro Valley Police Department Task Force
Counter Narcotics Alliance (CNA)
A multi jurisdictional task force that consists of 18 participating agencies to include local law enforcement, prosecuting agencies, the Arizona High Intensity Trafficking Area (AZHIDTA), and Davis Monathan Air Force Base (DMAFB) operating in the Pima County metro area. Each agency compliments the task force with staffing and administrative processes.
OV R 09-26 Two officers to Pima County/Tucson Metropolitan Counter Narcotics Alliance
OV R 09-26 One officer to Pima County HIDTA Investigative Task Force (PCHITF)
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
There are numerous multi jurisdictional task force groups that include federal agents, prosecuting agencies, and state and local enforcement agencies. Each task force takes a different segment of the trafficking, production, and use of drug related crime to combat this national epidemic.
OV R 09-62 Two Officers to Tucson Task Force
OV R 09-62 One Officer to Pima County High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Financial Task Force
Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF)
These are small cells of highly trained, local based investigators, analysts, linguists, SWAT experts, and other specialists from dozens of U. S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies. It is a multi-agency effort led by the Justice Department and FBI designed to combine the resources of federal, state, and local law enforcement.
OV R 02-55 One Officer to Terrorism (FBI)
The Gang and Immigration Intelligence Team Enforcement Mission (GIITEM)
A multi jurisdictional task force that focuses on street gang crime as well as U. S. border and immigration crimes. GIITEM strives to accomplish its mission through a task force concept involving personnel from tribal, federal, state, county, and city law enforcement agencies.
OV R 09-64 One Officer to GIITEM
1 Sergeant
7 officers
3 Officers to CNA
3 Officers to DEA
1 Officer to Terror
1 Officer to GIITEM
8 Total
$659,684 2010 Adopted Budget
$756,000 2010 for FY2010/2011 Recommended Budget
$816,883 2011 for FY2010/2011 Recommended Budget
The Drug Enforcement Agency (these 3 officers serve the Tucson Task Force and Pima County HIDTA);
Counter Narcotics Alliance (these 3 officers serve the Pima County/Tucson Metropolitan Narcotics Alliance and Pima County HIDTA Investigative Task Force);
Joint Terrorism Task Force (this officer serves with the FBI for terrorist activities);
Gang and Immigration Intelligence Enforcement Mission (GIITEM) (this officer addresses gang and immigration crimes);
These officers do not spend a significant amount of time on the local streets of Oro Valley. Although the Oro Valley officers are employees of Oro Valley, they are under the direct daily supervision of their respective agency task forces.
The officers’s salary, overtime, and benefits are funded through the Oro Valley General Fund. There are grants from the Federal, State, and County governments that offset part (but not all) of the salary, overtime, and benefits.
The citizens of Oro Valley already pay for this form of public safety protection through Federal, State, and County taxes.
In my opinion, there is no valid reason for these officers to be part of the local police department budget regardless of the partial reimbursement through grants. They should be direct employees of the Federal. State, and County government agency, not the local police department.
The citizens of Oro Valley pay additional taxes from the General Fund to support the Federal, State, and County Police Task Force Program.
What is the justification behind the Town of Oro Valley continuing to provide support for the Police Task Force Program?
This is a subsidy that results in double taxation for a resident of Oro Valley.
Perhaps the Oro Valley Town Council might want to approach the Federal, State, and County government agencies to hire personnel and budget for their own agencies directly?
John.... We are all very impressed with the depth into which you seem to dig.
But there is an old thought that I would like for you to ponder.
There are 44000+/- people in Oro Valley. 95%+ of that number are VERY happy with the safety that they experience in Oro Valley.
Therefore please pay attention to the old thought.
"When you find yourself in a hole, it is time to throw away the shovel."
John, Give it up!!! The residents are happy with the police protection that they receive.
Art... If you believe that anyone that lives in Oro Valley should read John's letter, then please copy it and invest your money in the postage to send it to them. Put your money where your mouth is. And please include your return address so they can respond.
Perhaps cox has done a survey to justify his statement:
"There are 44000+/- people in Oro Valley. 95%+ of that number are VERY happy with the safety that they experience in Oro Valley."
I would think that just about 100% of the citizens are happy with the safety in OV.
The question is: Of those that are happy with the safety, how many are happy with the information John Musolf brings to our attention?
Thanks again John for your outstanding service to our community---and thanks for sharing your knowledge with our readers.
I would think more than 95% of whom, appreciate what you do.
I would like to respond to your (OVOT) comment on my (John Musolf) analysis of the Police Department Task Force Program.
“There are 44000+/- people in Oro Valley. 95%+ of that number are VERY happy with the safety that they experience in Oro Valley.”
I would like to quote you (OVOT) when you made the following statement on this LOVE blog:
“I fail to understand why some folks (including John Muslof) feel that his words ought to be taken as the final say. John is a part-time resident of Oro Valley. One of many, and just one of 44,000 total population. He has his opinion and it should be respected but it is nothing more than that.
John Musolf Response:
To paraphrase OVOT: “I fail to understand why some folks (including OVOT) feel his words ought to be taken as the final say. One of many, and just one of 44,000 total population. He has his opinion and it should be respected but it is nothing more than that. I don’t think that OVOT speaks for 95%+ of that number.”
In a previous post you stated:
" He (Musolf) has his opinion and it should be respected but it is nothing more than that."
I take that as a clear, unqualified endorsement of your "civil obligation to bring this information to the Town’s attention."
So I really do not understand your last sentence. I have my right to an opinion also but you appear to take exception with me stating it.
John’s Response:
Now that you have clarified that you endorse my right to bring this information to the Town’s attention I would like to endorse your right to any opinion you (OVOT) may have on my blog postings.
I (John Musolf) will continue endorse your (OVOT) right to any opinion you may have on my blog postings.
To paraphrase you (OVOT): " He (OVOT) has his opinion and it should be respected but it is nothing more than that."
John Musolf
I would sure like to see someone print the FULL police blotter, without any political redactions.
From what I read in the captive press, OV does not have much of a public safety issue.
There could be two or three reasons for our (as far as anyone can tell) low crime rate.
a. A strong, well funded, police force keeps the rif raff under control.
b. Not much rif raff in these parts. (the demographic argument)
c. A combination of a. and b. supra.
Put me in the 99.9% of the folks who are happy with the police force.
Also include me in the 100% of the Tax Payers who agree with Mr. Musolf and would like the most cost effective police force possible.
Nombe--- Happy with the police force, or happy that we are in a safe community with more cops than necessary?
Too bad the majority of THIS council killed the police management study.
After all, why spend a little money to find out were "p*ssing away" so much more?
You may be happy, but you'd be hard pressed to find everyone else in that category.
"Me thinks" you misspoke.
Pls. re-read my post.
Hey Nonbe--- I have enough issues with "those others," so I really don't need to "get it on" with you.
However, you did say: "Put me in the 99.9% of the folks who are happy with the police force."
My ONLY issue is that one comment---"Happy."
Not I!!!
Jesus, Mary and Joe.
Read the last para!
I read ALL the paragraphs and although you agree with John that you want the most efficient police force, you also stated you are in the 99.9% group "WHO ARE HAPPY WITH THE POLICE FORCE."
Let's put it rest and agree that you want a "most cost effective police force possible," but are happy with the police. (Your words, not mine.)
I too want the most cost effective police force, but I'm NOT happy with what we have now.
Ok, what is your complaint?
Mexican drug gangs shooting up Risky Business?
Proliferating "A" frame signs promoting hotcakes at Down Home Delights?
Sun City residents driving too slow on Rancho Vistoso Blvd?
Pls explain your position re the po-lice
Nombe---You ask, "What's my complaint?"
Although, you may be one of a few that actually read this, here's just a few.
How about two police cars sitting side by side facing opposite directions doing nothing but talking while their their motors were running for at least 35 minutes in the rear of the funeral home on Northern Ave?
How about the police car that "hides" in the rear parking lot at Naranja Park---just "resting" --- not doing any writing or talking?
How about the police car that "hides" behind the wall by Kohls doing absolutely nothing?
How about too many times when three police vehicles (cars and/or motorcycles)pull over some poor soul about to get ticketed?
I'm sure we've all seen these or similar situations and I don't need anyone telling me, "you don't know what they were doing while parked, or, they were on a break, or they were taking care of business."
I also don't need anyone telling me the senior citizen that get pulled over may be a threat or perhaps a "drug runner," so they needed back-up.
Too bad they'll be NO Police Management Study. The fact is, we probably don't need one. Enough citizens know enough to tell this council that canceled it, what they don't want to hear.
And, let's not forget the way the police union came to council meetings, either in uniform, or in plain clothes, doing their damnest to intimidate the previous council so as to not lose one single job.
And who was it that taped a meeting with our e-Town Manager trying to entrap him and did what they could to "run him" out of town?
How's that for starters?
1. Some people are too grouchy and can never be satisfied.
2. Some people have no idea how good things are, unless they lose them.
3. Some people prefer to complain without going to the source, asking questions, finding out why police cars are "hiding."
4. Some people assume the worst of everyone else...
5. Some people just prefer to rile others up, complain, and remain stuck on one issue that has fried them, even though there may be information to the contrary...
Personally, I love and appreciate the OVPD...I have lived elsewhere, have needed the police, only to have them show up hours later...This is a very safe community because we are lucky to have this police department. Yes, I know some of you will tell me that it's about the demographics, but I will respond that plenty of other places have similar demographics, but are not as safe.
For those who complain, why don't you talk to the police department? Why don't you talk to the officers you see hiding? Maybe make an appointment with one of the higher ranking officers and ask questions...Then see if you still have the same, negative opinions.
Jay D,
Regarding the safety of Oro Valley being directly tied to the OVPD, you said, "I know some of you will tell me that it's about the demographics, but I will respond that plenty of other places have similar demographics, but are not as safe."
Is that speculation on your part or do you have proof?
Do you have a list of towns with a similar population and demographic to Oro Valley with figures showing that those towns are not as safe as ours?
Because I could just as easily speculate that there are towns with the same population and demographics as Oro Valley that are just as safe as Oro Valley despite having a smaller police force.
Unless you have proof of your assertion, then your story is merely anecdotal and OV Dad is not going to like that.
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