Friday, October 10, 2008

Reminder---Learn Why You Should Vote "NO" On Naranja Bond

Please remember to listen in on the debate between our friend Chet Oldakowski & Don Cox on the merits---or lack of merits of a $48.6 Bond to fund the Naranja Park.

You can listen to the Naranja Park Debate on 690am webcast.

This can be accessed with the link below

Hosted by our Oro Valley neighbor, Chris DeSimone

Business and Banter Radio

Saturday 7am 690am


OV Objective Thinker said...

To All,

If you do not utilize the option to have all follow up comments sent to you via e-mail you will miss some postings.

The censorship by the 'blog masters' can be thwarted by using this option.

Thanks in advance for listening to the KVOI program tomorrow morning.
I look forward to seeing Chet and discussing the details.


artmarth said...

Congrats to our good friend Chet, who make so make cogent points as to why this park is unnecessary at this time.

Anyone listening to the broadcast would have a better understanding why a "NO" vote makes sense.

OV Objective Thinker said...

It was good seeing and chatting with Chet this morning and he presented his side well. I did think that the 'food on the table or a park' was a bit of a stretch.

Just a few points for those of you that didn't have a chance to listen, the actual acreage of the sports facilities in this 213 acre park is only 24.8, or 11.6% of the total acreage. Additionlly, if you have faith in the Town Council to make wise fiscal decisions, then this park will come in well under budget. All of this chatter about interest rates, the inability for the Town to even sell the bonds and the $3.5 million in annual costs are all without foundation and simply red herrings present to scare the uninformed.

Vote YES on the Naranja Park Bonds...Question 400!!