Friday, October 10, 2008

Don Cox Threatens To "Hijack" Our Blog

We recently saw fit to delete comments from Cox because he wrote his "life story" as a comment to one of our posting. We do not want personal biographies on this blog. Thus, we deleted his posting.

Today, we received an email from Don Cox as follows:

"I will continue to post my deleted comments until you allow them to remain.You want to play games, I'll play games. Censorship will not be taken lightly be my." (His spelling)

Don Cox

Our apologies to our readers for having to put up with this nonsense.

Art and Dick


OV Objective Thinker said...

Once again, Art posts only half of the story.

I was answering a request of Victorian Cowgirl and a comment by Zev. Please refer to her admonition of Art in that post and I applaude her for doing so.

And I will not stoop to Art's level and post a previous private e-mail from 'Master' Art in which he could not refrain to use profanity when referring to me.

Censorship will not be taken lightly by me!!! You deserve to hear all sides of an issue....not just the 'Master's'. And when you request information I will continue my attempts to reply.

Nombe Watanabe said...


I would love to read his life story.

Might explain why he wants me to pay 400 $ a year for a park I will not use.

free the hidden posts!!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Nombe...The original post remains after I posted it a second time. It under the thread of "OV Trys to Justify....."

I don't mean to be nosey but unless you have a VERY, VERY highly valued house, I don't see how you are going to pay $400 for the Naranja Park.

OV Objective Thinker said...


Please consider placing a comments option after your video presentation so that people who know the truth can post responses to your falsehoods....and there were many this time!!!


Nombe Watanabe said...

ov obj thinker...

Yes I have an expensive home.

I bet I could sell it for 3/4 of the purchase price.

Tax has not gone down yet tho..

Such is life in the big city.

OV Objective Thinker said...


I too feel your pain. When I talked to the Assessors Office a couple of weeks ago, I was told that the assessed values used for this tax bill were the average of 2004,2005 and 2006 values. "WE SHOULD SEE THE ASSESSMENTS GO DOWN NEXT YEAR"!!!

mscoyote said...

There is a comments option under the video.

endthehandouts said...

Ya know if OVOT started his own blog, he wouldn't have to worry about deletes at all. He may have toworry about readership, however.

Zev Cywan said...

Always have to get some kind of a 'dig' in at some point, at someone, and in some way that leaves us 'dangling' by your tactic of omitting the full crux of the story; if you couldn't reprint a PRIVATE e-mail from Art, then you should not have mentioned it.

Censorship - while I personally care to read each and every post, no matter how I relate to it's content, The Blogmaster has absolutely EVERY RIGHT to disallow any post he cares to. Call it censorship or whatever, I call it 'the right of selectivity' (please note that not all letters to editors are published in newspapers for whatever reasons they deem as a reason).

OV OT, if you wish to convey as false, something that Zeeman portrays or anyone else for that matter, please be specific so that judgement itself can be judged.

Virtually all of us here have made 'mistakes' or whatever in our posts and you are no exception. Sometimes you try to flim-flam us by your mode of reason, sometimes you do so by vague implication. And, sometimes you enforce it through irrational anger.

If you think one of us has made a mistake, point it out, debate it out, correct it or whatever, but you don't need to throw in the extraneous baloney in order that you make yourself out to be superior; believe me, you are far from it!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ms. Coyote..
No comment option under the video. This is the thread immediately under the video.

Zev...I don't believe I have ever made any attempt to position myself as superior.

And I could reprint the e-mail but I chose not to get into the gutter and I don't consider a private e-mail something that I need to make public as does 'The Master'.

Art has every right to delete anything he wants and I have the same right to repost it. As I said if you utilize the follow-up comments option you will see it anyway. But it is Art's shallow way of 'getting me'.

Zev Cywan said...

Okay, OT, I shall accept most of your reply as you state it, except as to my reading of how you convey an air of superiority; and let's let it go at that.

As to the followup otion, I will, as this is a 'stream, only accept that which is openly published within it for commentary; back door efforts are not my thing.

artmarth said...

Zev & others---- In the interest of full disclosure to the "profanity" Cox alluded to in my final email response to his threats to "hijack" our blog by consistently re-posting
those autobiographies plus making personal comments about me----- and I'll have to paraphrase, as I deleted the message---- I wrote,"why don't you stop being such an ASS H***."

(I spelled it out for Cox.)

So, there is no misunderstanding by anyone, I stand by my email statement to Cox.

Zev Cywan said...

Art, for me you didn't have to 'spell' it out; I tried to make a point to Cox that he should not refer to a private e-mail, either by choice or by necessity, that he could only let 'dangle in space'.

He appears to be so immersed in his circle of self that it really doesn't matter much anyway.

Victorian Cowgirl said...


In response to your request...


Please consider placing a comments option after your video presentation so that people who know the truth can post responses to your falsehoods...."

Ms. Coyote is correct. There IS a place to post comments directly under the video. It currently says "0 comments" but you can click on it and add your thoughts.

The "hijack" section that we're currently posting on is BELOW that. Look again.

Zev Cywan said...


No matter what, if you make a point which might illustrate a difference with OV OT, he's going to find a way to try to needle you.
Whether or not you have to pay what you have to pay or I have to pay what I have to pay, the fact that this an over the top, sports saturated facility (do you like that description better, OT?), is what HE wants and he will argue by any means to diffuse the reality.

Incidentally, on this most beautiful Sunday past, lovely weather, etc., for the approximate 20th time that I have been to riverfront park, the facilities were in very sparse usage (except for the tots in the kiddie playground area)! Is this a prelude to what we can expect from a new park?

OV Objective Thinker said...

VC....I just looked again and there is nothing on my screen but the Hijack nonsense!

Zev...In the original plan for the park there were many non sports activities. AT THE REQUEST OF THE PEOPLE OF THE TOWN OF ORO VALLEY they were removed. IT IS THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE OF THE TOWN THAT THE PARK IS WHAT IT IS TODAY, 24.8 acres of active recreation out of 213 acres. Would you prefer that it be nothing but grass? Maybe you would like for it to be the ugly wasteland that it is now?

Quit thinking of only yourself and think of the investment in the future of your community. And take a trip to the park on a Saturday morning around 8 AM and see the activity then. Sunday is usually more oriented around attending religious services and 'at home with family activities'.

mscoyote said...

Do you have to be such a big baby?
We are telling you where to comment about the video.
Maybe the web site is programmed not to allow comments on the front page.
Either way, anybody can find the right area to comment if they look and now that you know, just make your comments.
Geez, why so contrary?

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ms C...Because it is not on my screen, I am being "contrary"??????

I have been able to find every other comment box.

Zev Cywan said...

In the original plan for the park, $160,000,000, there were many items other than sports that were for included. When the Town decided that the $160 mil would have little chance of passing and they decided to break it into pieces (phases), they were the ones who made the decision that the 'complex' was going to be the first 'nut'. Your contention that it was the people is a CROCK!!!
I was at the Council meeting when the 'breakup' was presented and the PEOPLE had nothing to do with it. As a matter of fact I believe that at one of the council presentations long ago it was stated that a poll of the students themselves revealed that they would have preferred arts to sports. When the Council did decide, however, to phase the park, they should have been more inclusionary in the scope of choice. That they may have had to redesign it, well, so be it. You state that "it is the will of the people that the park is what it is today"; you are right, OV OT, right now it remains a pile of dirt, it hasn't changed in 9 years, and perhaps it will remain as such. If this bond IS voted down, then whatcha gonna do?

You state that I'm thinking only of myself. No, OT, I'm simply stating that there are
other ways and that this community (Town Rulers) won't admit to them or even consider them. Other communities have, and some, because of current economics, have withdrawn or cut entirely their expansion of parks and recreational facilities at this time. For some in Oro Valley, this is too big of an ego trip to get real.

I mentioned my experiences with Riverfront Park. OV OT, I stated that I have been there at least 20 times and NEVER have I seen anywhere near the usage of it that would warrant a complex like the one you are trying to foist on the rest of us.

OV OT, you can use what ever argument you can drum up, you can call us who oppose
whatever you care to, you can think of us as selfish, asdummies, or whatever. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Your judgements and the way you profess them are about as full of it as can be.

The voters will speak and I will accept that for whatever it is. Unfortunately your baloney will probably continue in some way or another; I guess I'll have to accept that also.

Zev Cywan said...

It may be only 24.8 acres but it's still $46+ million. I don't care how many acres or what percentage of land the proposed sports complex is; it's still $46+ million and that's too much for too few!!! One can apply all the numbers in world to this project but if you can't 'get it' you just can't 'get it'.

Zev Cywan said...

It may be only 24.8 acres but it's still $46+ million. I don't care how many acres or what percentage of land the proposed sports complex is; it's still $46+ million and that's too much for too few!!! One can apply all the numbers in world to this project but if you can't 'get it' you just can't 'get it'.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Anger, anger, anger Zev.

Because you attended a meeting does not mean that that was all there was to it. Many, many e-mails were sent to Council members. Telephone calls were made and the people spoke through the Town Council. Isn't that the way it is supposed to work?

You just simply refuse to admit that the previous Council was capable of doing anything right.

We will see what the vote brings. And will still have me to whine to when I call you and others on your many misstatements.


Common Sense Thinker said...

I am new to this blog, but not new to the issue. I have followed very closely the upcoming park bond election and find it very troubling to say the least. Instead of conceding to the fact that the bond election could not come at a worse time for the YES folks, here is OV Objective Thinker spewing his emotional and irrational comments all over the blog. Any rationale voter is not about to vote themselves a secondary property tax in these tough economic times. I know the YES folks will tell you it is for the kids and lets make the park a reality, but wise voters know different. The YES folks love to tell you about the kids because that is all they have and will ride the emotional roller coaster in an effort to some how sway the voters from the real issue which is vote for a PROPERTY TAX! OV Objective Thinker will have you to believe that Oro Valley is under parked, telling you that we only have 100 acres of space. What we really need is 400 acres according to his estimates. Ask him to qualify his position and where he came up with such an estimate. Readers of this blog should go to the City of Tucson strategic plan and read for yourself that even the City of Tucson is not mandating even close to these numbers. That's right a large city not even close to these estimates. Furthermore, what happened to Catalina State Park is this suddenly closed and off the map? Ask the YES folks what will happen when Arroyo Grande is potentially developed, and why should the existing taxpayers be burdened with this park. Lets share the wealth with the newcomers in 10 to 15 years. Maybe even using some of the newly enacted impact fees for our parks or even a donation from a future developer. Folks this park is wrong for all the right reasons as the demographics have changed in Oro Valley since the first of many special interest groups gathered around a table speaking of their wants. This park is still a want and not a need as we do not need to be supporting the sports teams of Pima County as well as Oro Valley. I say you need fields then go out and raise the funds and build your own sports fields, but leave the citizens of Oro Valley alone.

Zev Cywan said...

You never fail to muddle up those declarations which destroy or weaken your blusterous commentary. So what, you only fool yourself! What has this issue got to do with prior council doing anything that I might perceive to be right or wrong? Prior council had an attitude; they got voted OUT! You make it appear that you are one of the 'ins' to all kinds of information, e-mails, phone calls, etc.; I have my sources and resources, too, and have had for some time. I also base my opinions on more than just 'a' meeting.

Referring to me as being angry; isn't that a case of 'the pot calling the kettle black'?

Read the post just below your last one; 'common sense thinker', whoever that might be, that person 'gets it'! That post is rational, lucid and very up-to-date; yours are muddled and mired in the now exposed 'golden' years of lavishness. For now, those days are over, kid; Most others throughout this country see the need to CUT spending; unfortunately there are those who still advocate more pork funded with imaginary money; you seem to be one of those. You still want to tax and spend other peoples' money for some goodies you pretend are for the benefit of our children. Well, look at what legacy people like you might leave them - huge debt or even societal bankruptcy.


Nombe Watanabe said...

What are we going to talk about after the bond vote is counted?

We have our OV Marketplace.

We will have the vote of the people on the Park.

Can we get a recall action going on Hizzhoner? Might be a hoot!!