Friday, October 31, 2008

Our Oro Valley Neighbors Offer Their Take On Naranja Bond Issue

With the election only 4 days away, I thought our readers might be interested in the thoughts of our neighbors.

While there were a few readers that requested I remove their names from our mailing list, the overwhelming majority of messages we received were in agreement that the Naranja Park Bond Issue deserves a "NO VOTE."

Below are excerpts from the recently received emails we received.


Thanks for your work regarding this project. Our no votes are in.

early ballot turned in two weeks ago. Voted NO. That's one I am sure of.

Have already voted and mailed it in and voted "No" on this issue.

I just received my absentee ballot. I know it is 'no' on 400.

I hear that you have the 'vote no' signs. Can I get one?

Amen! A great editorial and keep it up.

Amen, you have said it all.

Voted early ballot. NO on the bonds.

AMEN !!!!! No more property tax raises.

You convinced me that it's too much at this time. Thanks for your efforts.

Re: interest rates you are correct. Inflation is coming and we will pay dearly for projects that are dubious at this time.

Absolutely two votes for 'no' from this household

I understand your strategy of forcing a 'relook' at the proposal, and appreciate your response

Points well taken, Art!

Informative entry about the Naranja Park. I have to agree with the author.

I would be glad to tell anyone it is a "foolish" project.

It couldn't be a worse time to take on more debt! Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much for keeping us informed on so many issues, especially this one.

I am in favor of a park but not for 48 million and not with a property tax..

I'm with you! Thanks for your hard work

The concept of a park in these turbulent economic times is unseemly, but to finance the project by issuing a bond at such protracted cost is beyond the pale.

I appreciate your efforts and even posted a comment to your blog. Keep up the good work.

You are 100% perfectly right on, as usual.

I knew I could get an informed answer from you.

You can count on me for a NO vote

Keep up the good work Art. Thanks.

Thanks for your continuing research and communications to the rest of us. I will vote NO on the Naranja Bond issue!

No it is Art, you get the Medal of Honor for all your effort.

Yes, usual you are right!!!!

These people are nuts, and no taxpayor money should be spent on this stupid march!

Just wanted to commend you on your good and very needed voices.

We the residents of Oro Valley cannot afford this park-- especially not now.



I AGREE!!If this tax goes thru, I will be putting my house on the market, I have had it with OV/Pima taxes!!!!!

Well written Art, my wife and I are in complete agreement. Keep up the good work.

Let's hope your email has some impact on others like myself who appreciate your views and suggestions.

AMEN ...Thanks for the letter Art.

Excellent commentary, informative and thought provoking. Keep up the good work.


Nombe Watanabe said...

In a few days we will have heard the voice of the voters.

If we are lucky and prop 400 fails, a few good suggestions for the park site should be presented to the Town.

I would hope we could come up with some good ideas without the horrific trajectory of the our last attempt to blog this question.


OV Objective Thinker said...

There will never be a better time for this bond to pass. Interest rates are still relatively low, construction costs will be lower and the addition of this park will place Oro Valley in a better position as the economy grows.

While I empahthize with the 'no additional tax' folks, I wish you would focus your anger on Pima County which is the highest taxing county in the state. Ann Day and the other ineffective County Supervisors should all be turned out of office and Chuck Huckleberry should be the first county staff member removed from his overpaid position followed closely by Brad Nelson in the elections department.