Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Oro Valley Voters Say "NO" To Naranja Bond Issue

As of the evening of Nov 4,with 33% of the vote counted, the Naranja Bond Issue---Question 400 is losing by 8436 "NO" Votes(61%) to 5440 "Yes" Votes(39%).

We believe the vast majority of Oro Valley voters believed, as we did----this is the wrong time to expend in excess of $85 million for what must be considered a "want," not a "need."


Oro Valley Question 400 - Parks Bond
NO 10,669 58%
YES 7,584 42%


Richard Furash, MBA said...

Common sense has prevailed.

Ferlin said...

To say we are happy about the vote AGAINST this extreme luxury is putting it mild! We are thrilled that we won't have to face those taxes for the next years.

It was a great night, November 4th!

Fear the Turtle said...

It looks as though over 7,000 voted in favor, so perhaps each of them can contribute $300 annually for the next 25 years for construction of this Park.
Those who didn't want the Park can pay a user fee whenever they want to use the facilities.

Seriously, maybe those 7,000 people can go out and raise enough money so a scaled down Park can be built with a combination of public and private money.

Nombe Watanabe said...

Word, turtle, word.

Recall da mayor!

Zev Cywan said...

I'm in the middle of the ocean - good show! Be back soon,

Yoshibello said...

Finally, some logical thinking. Maybe we can continue on this path. I believe this blog has certainly brought the political issues into view, though there isn't much commenting/dialog. But than this is my first post too! Maybe some of our apathy will dissipate with this good news.

Nombe Watanabe said...

4 - Square: Oh there is plenty o' comments. Sometimes not on point and full of name calling.

But if you want to know what is going on in Oro Valley, this is the place to be.