Friday, October 31, 2008

Another Reason To Vote "NO" On Naranja Bond Issue

Below is an email we received from an Oro Valley neighbor. It is yet another reason to Vote "NO" on the Naranja Park Bond Issue.

Regarding the Naranja Park bond issue, as I read through all of the “FOR” arguments in the voter pamphlet, I noticed a prevalent theme of “sports, athletics, my kids, my teenagers, and my son.”

Those of us who are against this park feel that it is really just an over-the-top sports complex masquerading as a community park. In fact, an Explorer article notifying residents of the pro-park rally on October 5th indicated that youth would be “marching with their respective teams” and that “organizations pledging their support” included many softball, little league, baseball, soccer and football teams. This only reinforces my belief that this park is mainly about sports.

Kelly Madril’s letter in the October 15th Explorer revealed more of this same theme. It was all about her kids and all the sports they play and how, due to a lack of available fields in Oro Valley, her kids don’t get to bed until 10 PM on school nights. The best part is that she believes that the rest of us should give up something that we enjoy so that her children can have the things that they enjoy. She said, “just give up two Starbucks drinks a month and then you can afford it.”

The presumption is, of course, that we all drink Starbucks coffee and are willing to pay a high price for this coffee that we “enjoy” but don’t “need” and therefore we should simply give it up and donate that money to her children. Well, Mrs. Madril, I do not drink Starbucks, but if I did I would have to ask, why do you assume that the things I enjoy are of less importance than the things that your children enjoy?

Diane Peters

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