Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oro Valley Clerk Takes Pima County Elections Division To Task

The Explorer has reported that the Pima County Elections Division "screwed up" by mailing out 49 early ballots to Oro Valley residents without Question 400---the Naranja Bond Issue.

What really caught our eye was not the error by the Elections Division, but the quotes attributed to Kathi Cuvelier, OV Town Clerk, in her letter to Brad Nelson, Elections Director.

Ms. Cuvelier wrote: “First, we are disappointed by the lack of quality control in the Pima County Elections Division that led to incorrect or incomplete ballots being mailed to voters within the Town of Oro Valley.”

She went on to say: “Second, we are dismayed that the Pima County Division of Elections did not make us aware of this situation, but that we had to learn it from other sources."

Well! Well. It seems like the "pot calling the kettle black."

The phrase "Pot calling the kettle black" is an idiom, used to accuse another speaker of hypocrisy, in that the speaker disparages the subject for a fault or negative behavior that could equally be applied to him or her.

You see, it was just a couple week ago that Ms. Cuvelier said she left our blog address off of our "No" argument for this same Naranja Bond issue, using the lame excuse that no addresses were acceptable. When I pointed out that in fact this was not the case, on at least one "yes" argument, the excuse then became, "it was an oversight."

This is not to condone the Elections Division. I only want to point out, that "stuff" happens. Perhaps Ms. Cuvelier should not have been in such a hurry to disparage Mr. Nelson, knowing she herself has been guilty of similar oversights.

Oh well!

Read The Explorer article here.

1 comment:

OV Objective Thinker said...

Art...Your continued attack on Ms. Cuvelier is unfounded, unwarranted and perfectly frames you as the misguided malcontent that you are. The only folks that agree with your position are the four or five 'kool-aid' drinkers that post periodically on this blog and your partner, who continues to post absolutely false information.

Get over it and stop whining. The only harm done in the phamphlet was to bruise your far overblown ego.