Monday, October 20, 2008

Congratulations To Our Friends At The Goldwater Institute

We appreciate from our first-hand experience that The Goldwater Institute merits this prestigious award.

Goldwater Institute Wins International Templeton Freedom Award
Distinguished honor recognizes Institute's defense of liberty in the court of public opinion

Phoenix--The Goldwater Institute is pleased to announce it has been chosen among 170 policy organizations in 58 countries to receive the 2008 Templeton Freedom Award for Excellence in Promoting Liberty in the category of Initiative in Public Relations.

"To receive this award among so many effective organizations from all over the world is humbling; we had to re-read the award letter several times to make sure we were reading it correctly," said Goldwater Institute President and CEO Darcy Olsen. The award's $10,000 cash prize will be reinvested in the Goldwater Institute's ongoing efforts.

The Goldwater Institute was chosen for its unique public relations approach to advancing the cause of freedom by combining research, litigation, and storytelling. In the announcement of the winners, the Atlas Foundation explained their selection of the Goldwater Institute, "Devoted to protecting liberty both in court and in the court of public opinion, [Goldwater] litigates cases with personal stories to increase media impact and public awareness in areas such as school choice and property rights."

The award will be officially presented to the Goldwater Institute on November 13, 2008 in Washington, D.C. The Templeton Freedom Awards, named for the late philanthropist Sir John Templeton, were established five years ago by the Atlas Foundation to recognize independent think tanks and their contributions to the understanding of freedom. Sixteen think tanks from around the world won awards in various categories. For more information about the award and a complete list of winners visit

The Goldwater Institute is a nonprofit public policy research and litigation organization whose work is made possible by the generosity of its supporters.

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