Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Day Of Reckoning Is Here In Oro Valley

Mark Oct. 29, 2008 of your calender. The long wait is over. Those who are so inclined will be able to buy cheap Chinese imports and other cheap goods from the "unique" & "upscale" Wal-Mart.

We hope the thousands of our neighbors that signed the OV1st http://ov1st.com/ pledge to stay away from the OV Marketplace will remember to honor that pledge.

Now, more than ever, we hope all of our readers will support the retailers that contribute 100% of the collected sales tax revenue to Oro Valley.

PLEASE---- remember every time you spend YOUR money at ANY Marketplace retailer, VESTAR POCKETS ALMOST 1/2 OF OUR TAX DOLLARS.

We implore all of you to avoid shopping, in particular at Wal-Mart.
Why not continue to support our existing retailers?

For example----shop Frys, Safeway,Target, Home Depot, Office Max, PetSmart, Ross, Sports Authority, Big 5 Sports, and the host of other Oro Valley stores----the vast majority of who have been servicing our community for years.

Why subsidize Vestar??? It makes NO SENSE! Whenever possible, shop smart----where Oro Valley keeps 100% of the sales tax!!!


mscoyote said...

so far nothing in the new mall entices me to part with my money.
Maybe that is a good thing

Definetly will not give one dime to Wal Mart;

So far the only thing that interests me is a few places to eat that are closer to home

I think a lot of people in Oro Valley are going to be very disappointed!!

Fear the Turtle said...

The band is playing and the developer and politicians are enjoying their moment in the spotlight. I've never lived in a town where the opening of a Wal*Mart is celebrated like this.

Funny, in a million years I never thought I would side with the supposed "naysayers" on this site, and I don't agree with everything they post, but I've met most of these folks and they just care a lot about this town. On the flip side I've never met Objective Thinker or Boogie Baby but would love to meet them to see what makes them tick. I just don't understand where they are coming from at times, or who they take their marching orders from.