Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Loomis' Town Paid "European Vacation"

In a letter to the Explorer, John Musolf, friend and blogger, pointed out the scurrilous nature of Mayah Loomis' town paid boondoggle trip to Europe in May.

What a waste of taxpayer money.

What insider dealing.

Read John's letter by clicking here.


OV Objective Thinker said...


Do you have any clue what was accomplished to the Eurppean meeting? If your answer is "No" (and I suspect it is), then I suggest you withhold comment until you have more knowledge.

The letter writer, to which you refer, has been known to make some outlandish comments in the past.

mscoyote said...

Do you know the reason for the trip?
I don't
If you do give us some information.
Please share.;

Richard Furash, MBA said...

The published purpose of the visit was for Hizzoner to talk with Sanofi-Aventis. This is documented in prior postings.

As far as what was accomplished, well, I don't know and neither do the citizens of Oro Valley.

Maybe he'll talk about it his very private and expensive, "State of The Town" speech tomorrow.

The Mayor has never told us. A trip of this nature should be followed up by a report to the citizens who paid for it.

The Mayah acts aloof. He acts above all of us.

Time for change.

You gonna run, Thinker?

travelling dancer said...

I was lead to believe that the trip had something to do with the Sanofi-Adventis Company. It this true?

travelling dancer said...

I guess while I was posting my comment, the Zee Man kindly answered my question. I also agree since we paid for this trip we should get a report. Or did
Sanofi=Aventis pay for part of it?

Zev Cywan said...

Okay, do we add this trip to the one the Mayor, along with Terry Parish, took to Colorado as divulged (and kind of hostily at that) by ex-councilmember Dankwerth and was indicated to be previously unknown by others? Do we add this to the trip that was taken to explore Portland, Oregon in order to 'see' what they did for their city, a ridiculous comparitive to say the least (a reclamation vs a startup)?

I don't claim to know who or what authority oversees these ventures but I think I can say with my authority that, if paid for by public funds, then the public should have the right to know; that is what transparency is all about.

boobie-baby said...

Why doesn't someone pose the question to the Town Manager's or Finance Director's office? It's public information, so there should be no hestition about sharing it.

Zev Cywan said...

You are right bb, the only reason I commented/questioned was because of the original post. Also, I am quite aware that these types of 'probes' are the norm for many communities; I guess they include this subject in Government for Dummies 101 ca 2000.

raindancer said...

I don't view the comments made by the letter writer as outlandish. Sounds more like something is rotten in.....

Question: can the taxpayers of OV demand an outside audit be made of the books?


Ferlin said...

I believe part of the trip was to visit Kazzakhstan and his (and Borat's) relatives AND partly cultural for GOVAC, no doubt.