Thursday, June 7, 2012

Council Takes Balanced Approach To Decisions

If last night's Oro Valley Town Council meeting is an example of future meetings, then Oro Valley residents can feel some comfort that this version of the Oro Valley Town Council will work together in a collegial, respectful manner.

This council last night:
  • Questioned, though approved, the TREO report, receiving suggestions from Council Member Mike Zinkin and Mayor Satish Hiremath regarding how the information provided in the report must be improved.
  • Passed a motion that will allow the shops at the Frys-Target Center (Rooney Ranch Section D) to improve their signage, replacing the aging copper and faux-copper patina signs.
  • Tabled for further discussion at some undetermined future date an Oro Valley Development and Infrastructure Department recommendation to alter the criteria for general plan amendments.   The planning department is trying to take the threshold for minor general plan amendments up to 20 acres, such that only a simple majority council vote would be required for passage. This would circumvent the current two third council majority vote requirement.  The council voted 7-0 to continue this item.  
  • Appointed Council Member Zinkin as the council liaison to the Board of Adjustment.
We did not see an "us-them" mentality by any member of the Council.

Rather, we saw Council Members focused on making sound decisions for the town and its citizens.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

Playing Devil's Advocate for a moment, while I, too, was happy to see the collegial and respectful manner that was displayed last night vs. the prior us-them mentality, I had to ask myself...what changed?

My hunch is that Hiremath-Waters-Hornat-Snider realized that they took a big hit in the recent election. Not only did they lose their "appointed one" Solomon, but NONE of the candidates won whom they had supported.

This sent a strong message to them that their us-them mentality was not going to be tolerated and that they, too, would be voted out at the next election if they continued on this path.

chuck davis said...

the honeymoon period has begun. let's hope it last, but i am skeptical that this is a lasting marriage. i am hoping for spirited debate that is respectful of all.

OV Objective Thinker said...

I saw the same balanced approach that has been the rule for the past two years.

I am sure that there will be some who will make an issue of the recent election changing attitudes but then they are normally part of the problem.

Anonymous said...


Were you even at the meeting? The entire tone of the meeting was different. It was a top-notch Council meeting.

Let's all stay positive.

Faveaunts said...

I was pleased with the civil discourse amongst the council members. And not a single town resident was admonished & ridiculed for expressing their thoughts & concerns. Please let this continue!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Cares...I was not at the meeting but I was watching it at home. And the tone was positive, but allow me to point out that the tone of 90% of the council meetings in the past have been very civil. To infer that some how the tone was different than 95% of previous meetings is simply the figment of someone's imagination. Let's hope that the tone of the citizenry and the quality of their objections (i.e. objective rather than subjective,code driven rather than emotion driven) changes over the next couple of years.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Watch any council meeting during the time that Solomon was a council member and see if anyone else thinks that his tone was very civil 95% of the time. He was (more often than not) condescending, rude, lecturing, scolding, and downright obnoxious.

Remember when the always civil and mild-mannered Barry Gillaspie actually blew up at Solomon at a council meeting a few months back?

You really have to be a special kind of you-know-what when even Barry G. has had all he can take of you!