Friday, April 6, 2012

It's Mary Snider Being Mary Snider: Duplicitous

Replying to a question posed by the Explorer, Council Member Mary Snider said the the Council should approve the 2012-2013 budget before seating the new members in June.  She supported the opposite two years ago (See the video).  Quoting from the Explorer article:
In the 2010 election, Councilwoman Mary Snider was an advocate of delaying the budget adoption until newly-elected council members had been seated. Snider said this time around, the scenario is different.

“At that time in 2010, we only had six sitting council members, plus we were going to be electing a new mayor and had four new council members coming in,” she said. “We currently have a full-sitting council.”
Mary, we actually have an appointed member on Council who was not elected by the people.  His candidacy was soundly rejected by the people. We also have three elected members, two of whom are not on council, who were elected in the Primary. This is unprecedented.

Mary, does it occur to you that the people want balance on Council?

Huge mistake here, Mary.  Huge mistake.

Your position today really does show of what you are made.



Christopher Fox said...

This is exactly the kind of 'true color' showing through that voters remember for a long, long, time....

artmarth said...

Go to Wikipedia and write in the word "HYPOCRITE."

What comes up are two words:


"DUPLICTIOUS"--- marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; "she was a deceitful scheming little thing."

Once again--- Mary Snider fits the definition 100%.

Okay class. Give us a sentence using the words "Mary Snider"


"Mary Snider is a total duplictious, hypocrite and is as phoney as a $3 bill!"

Very good, class!

OVDad said...

Teachers who have such trouble with grammar, spelling, and punctuation scare me. I'm glad Art isn't actually teaching anyone in real life...

Richard Furash, MBA said...

OV Dad,

Instead of commenting on the grammar or spelling in someone else's posting, why not comment on the posting itself.

Perhaps you feel that Mary's position is justified. Perhaps you do not feel that way.

Either way, we would love to hear from you.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

OV Dad,

My posts never have any problems with grammar, spelling, or punctuation...and yet I still scare you. :)

Please tell us what you think of Mary's sudden turnaround on the budget vote. I've noticed that "the usual suspects" have not commented on this new development. Why isn't Mary's fan club defending her?

Dan said...

Her sweetness does not fool some of us......kiss the cheek....forget it!

She maneuvers her patronage like a good politicians; what a facade.

And OV Dad--I think you are Joe Hornat.

OVDad said...

I choose not to engage with you on the topic because I learned a while back that this blog looks at the messenger and not the message. That is, if I (or OVOT, or some of the other folks that have attempted to reason with you) present a reasonable argument, you will attempt to shoot it down regardless of the actual message. It's simply impossible to engage on the issues in such an environment.

Look at Art's comment, for example. I wish Art was engaging on the issue by articulating why he feels these two situations are NOT different. After all, we had a new mayor and a massive swing on the council in an election that had significantly higher turnout than this one. Instead, he launches a personal attack against Mrs. Snider, goes into "teacher mode" and presents to us such wonderful phrases as "Mary Snider is a total duplictious, hypocrite and is as phoney as a $3 bill!".

Anyways, I have my popcorn ready for the next months - it's going to be very entertaining to watch the blog (including some of the new councilmembers) try to denunciate the sitting councilmembers and the mayor. After all, this has worked so successfully during the (failed) recall (attempt) that it surely is worth another shot.

And last but not least: Yes, I am Joe Hornat. Dan - or shall we say Conny Culver (see, I can play this game too) - was absolutely spot on.

... fine, I admit it. There was a bit of sarcasm in the last paragraph. So rest assured, I am not Joe Hornat. I kind of wish I had 8 grandchildren though.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hello OVDad,

Thanks for your post.

Art no longer provides the posts. I do that. So any angst regarding the original posting should be directed toward me.

I will not stand by while you to marginalize my efforts or the efforts of the thousands who follow this blog.

Our blog postings present FACTS. They are impartial facts.

It is a fact that Mary does not support waiting this time. It is a fact that she did support waiting last time.

You may justify her behavior in any manner you wish.

But the facts are the facts.

And LOVE stands by them.