Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fry's LaCanada Gas Station Moves Forward

One of the things that we try to do is to keep you informed of situations that may not impact you directly, but do impact your neighbors.

On December 12, we posted "Is A Fry's Gas Station Coming To Your Neighborhood."

Since that time, the Oro Valley Development and Infrastructure Department has held two public hearings on the matter, recommending that the approval of a conditional use permit for a gas statio on that sight.  Last week, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved, by a 5-1 vote, a conditional use permit to allow this 24-7 self service, sometimes unattended gas station north of Lambert Lane on La Canada, near the Ace Hardware store.  This will be a second gas station located in the same commercial area.  The next step is for the Oro Valley Town Council to approve this land us.

The construction of a planned Fry's gas station is different from the original intention of the land use which was a restaurant/commercial area that would be closed in the late night/early morning hours and would match, in all ways, the architecture of the other Mercardo buildings.

Residents in the area are opposed to this land use.  These residents live across the street from the proposed service station.

They do not want an all night service station, as planned, built on that site.   They are concerned about line of sight, night lighting, and increased traffic and potential night crime.

This will be a second gas station located on the same commercial property.  Certainly, there is no economic need for a second gas station on this location.  So, there is something of which we have not been informed that is driving the town to approve this conditional use.  Could it be, for example, that Fry's is threatening to close this supermarket if they don't get permission for this gas station?

To date, the resident presented their case at the two public hearing before the Oro Valley Development and Infrastructure Department and to the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Last night, the Oro Valley Development Review Board held a hearing on the station.  The Fry's gas station continues to move forward.

The matter will be brought before Town Council in May.

I have asked Jim Harrison, who is articulating the resident's position, to provide a guest view so that each of us can better understand the concerns of the residents.  So, hopefully, you will hear more on this.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

An unattended self-serve gas station opened at 3 AM right next to a residential neighborhood. What could possibly go wrong?

Maybe the OVPD is hoping for an increase in crime so they can justify hiring more cops? [Sarcasm]

There is no REASONABLE explanation for having two gas stations on the same property.

OK, all you pro-business people who blog here...explain why Fry's NEEDS to do this.

J Harrison said...

While discouraged by the rapidity of the the Approvals from the 2 Citizen Review Boards (Planning & Zoning, and Conceptual Design), those of us opposed to the Fry's Gas Station (as proposed) look forward to the governance of the Mayor and the Council. Pls keep in mind that only they have the charter to consider the balance between the impact on the neighboring community and the benefit to the Town. It will be crucial between now and the governance event (May 16?) for all Stakeholders to make their views known to the Mayor and Council.

Christopher Fox said...

I don't know about this one, guys. With the price of gas these days, a little competition might very well be welcome. Being able to see the price at two stations within a stone's throw would force the vendors to be very conscious of the pricing they set. If the station is harmonious (if that is not an oxymoron for a gas station)with the surrounding structures, maybe this would be desireable. The Safeway at Broadway and Campbell forces competitors to keep their prices fairly low, so competition does work. Also, if there is not a lot of crime generated by the existing 24 hour station, why would we expect another one to increase criminal activity. Just a few thoughts....

Richard Furash, MBA said...


Competition is always a good thing.

The "Safeway at Broadway and Campbell" in Tucson may be just that.

Thing is, this is not Tucson and I hope it never becomes like Tucson. If I wanted to live in Tucson I would.

So, unless there is a compelling reason for Fry's to get a station within stone's throw of another station; unless there is a compelling reason for Oro Valley to become like Tucson, I don't want it. The neighbors don't want it. And anyone who cares about the beauty and uniqueness or Oro Valley won't want it.

The day we compare our town to Tucson, using anything in Tucson as an example, is, indeed a sad day.

artmarth said...

Anyone notice what the "beautiful" Steam Pump Village looks like?

Other than a closed Design Center, (the largest store at the site), a Carpet store, a Boutique, a Chili's, a Baggins & a Charter School---that's about it.

But there is good news coming. QuikTrip is on the way, with what appears to be, a few dozen gas pumps.


Desert Voice said...


Yes, two gas stations so close to each other is ludicrous...citizens are not buying more gas for their cars, they are riding Sun Tran and bicyles! These are not times for competition for gas companies, Mr. Fox!

Agree with Richard's comment about why we choose to live in OV and not Tucson. We moved here for the suburban feel, not center city issues. Art you carefully drew the picture by comparing it to Steam Pump. But this Mercado has an "upscale" Goodwill, Rubs in giant colorful streetfacing signs, a large Fry's whose portico rivals that of First and Oracle!

Has anyone considered the environmental hazards of underground gas leaks and toxic fumes from cars in a highly populated neighborhood?

Fry's might considered pulling out if the multipump gas station doesn't get in? With all the money that store makes, who is that gentleman kidding?

Desert Voice said...

Oro Valley Vistas, Beztak's luxury apartment complex, sits opposite where the new "dock/tank up station" will be. One wonders how Beztak weighs in on this issue. Will they continue to maintain renters for pricey units or will their clientele rent elsewhere?

J Harrison said...

The Mercado at La Canada arguably stands as a an example of the Design Review process working at it's best for the Town, the Neighbors and Business. Why did the CDRB choose to strike the first 3 conditions on design proposed by Town Staff?

And how is it that a site that specifically excluses development of a drive-through restaurant is just fine for a gas station with the capacity to fuel 14 vehicles at once?

We look now to the Mayor, the Vice Mayor and the Council to give the proposal the scrutiny it deserves, and to work with the neighbors and the developer to find a solution that everyone can live with and that is clearly in the best interest of the Town.

OV said...

Victorian Cowgirl – Great dig at the OVPD! I’m glad that you think that it is okay to sarcastically joke about the crime rates in Oro Valley. Let me remind you that you are kept safe by the men and women in uniform that protect this town and keep the crime out! I assure you that if Fry’s does put a service station at this location that it will not bring more crime to the area because the OVPD will still be out there doing their jobs. Ignorance is bliss. I wish that each of you really knew what and who officers at the OVPD encounter during their shifts. Your sarcasm is getting old, and is downright disrespectful. When you can positively ensure that each of our Town’s officers will go home at the end of their shift and don’t need to carry guns anymore, only then I will be okay with you letting the sarcasm fly

OV Objective Thinker said...


Well I guess it's case closed on the gas station. You and 6-12 others have voiced your opinion. Therefore it should not happen.

What about the others that will use it and will appreciate the savings and convenience? I guess they don't count in the LOVE world.

J Harrison said...

It does indeed seem to be case closed. This is most unfortunate for the neighbors because we too count on town officials to represent our interests. We are asking for some meaningful scrutiny of the proposal so that it can move forward in a form that strikes a balance between interests.

The Fry's model of a kiosk (vs. a convenience store) is meant to move customers into the food store. So does the station really need overnight hours when the food store is closed? The visual impact can be mitigated by a combination of overnight closure and by a few simple architectural features similar to those established by Town Staff. So why were these conditions summarily stricken by the CDRB? The Mercado at Canada Hills stands today as a model of planned development. Why spoil that?

And do we really have a handle on the traffic impact? Why are drive-through restaurants specifically NOT OK at the site but a gas station is OK? And what about looking ahead to the situation when the remaining pad is developed as restaurant whose model is to locate next to a 24/7 gas station. Or is it possible that Fry's will soon come to us asking for a Conditional Use Permit for a vehicle service station (since this is the Fry's model being executed by Mr. Guyette all over the state.)

As for the benefit to other residents: there should be no question that Fry's is in this to make more money. I certainly applaud them for that, but it's a situation where "the more you buy the more you save." Kroeger's profitability suggests that we will all pay our gas savings and more on groceries.

And I wonder how many people need to express concern for the Town to generate a more rigorous analysis. Is it 20? Is it 50? Is it 100? It will be interesting to see how many show up in opposition to the gas station development (as proposed) at the upcoming Council Meeting. They will be counting on the Council to hear their voices.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

I would like to emphasize how important is for all of us to participate in the effort to make sure that any Fry's gas station on La Canada is suitable for the area.

It seems to me what the neighbors are looking for the town to do is very reasonable.

To have a sitting member of Oro Valley Planning and Zoning Commission, Objective Thinker (Don Cox), essentially "dis" the efforts of residents and our effort to let the community know that there are residents who are concerned about this gas station, is appalling.

The next step on this matter is that it will be heard by the Oro Valley Town Council in May. We will let you know the date. We are hopeful that some of you will join with your neighbors at this meeting.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Richard, I am unclear what you mean by the term "dis". Please clarify.

As a sitting member of the Oro Valley Planning and Zoning Commission I carefulle weigh each item that come before the Commission and use my best judgement for the good fo ALL of Oro Valley when casting my vote. I must place weight on the validity of what the staff and applicant and citizens present. In this case I did just that. I might point out that I was the only sitting member of the Commission who suggested any further mitigation for the neighbors to the west by including the planting of trees to provide some additional noise and sight buffering.

I would also like to take this opportunity to applaud OV for her/his comments. The beating of the drum against the men and women who serve our community as police officers and risk their lives each day they do that job is getting really old.