The past is prologue
If last week’s Call to Audience portion of the Oro Valley Town Council meeting is any indication, strong objections are expected tonight regarding the request for a height increase for a planned sanctuary at the Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene.Nine residents spoke in opposition to the proposal. Their objections focused on several key issues, including the project’s incompatibility with the surrounding residential neighborhood, increased traffic and noise, potential declines in property values, and OVCN’s use of a procedural loophole to avoid full project disclosure and review.
The overwhelming concern is that what was once a small, nice neighborhood church has become a nightmare for the community because it is simply too big for the area. Now, the church wants to get even bigger and believes it is entitled to do so. Rather than moving forward with a design to which it is currently entitled, the church has decided it needs the sanctuary to be taller than what currently exists. This new height must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. That is the focus of tonight’s meeting.
The "ask" us a bridge too far
What is interesting about this is that the zoning for the property allows for greater height if that height is approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. In other words, this is not a request for rezoning or a request for a General Plan amendment. This is simply, as town staff has often put it, an “ask.” We have never seen a situation like this as we approach our 18th year of publishing LOVE. The commission is under no obligation to approve this “ask.” In fact, they can simply deny it or choose not to vote on it, leaving the matter to be settled by the Town Council if OVCN decides to appeal the decision.
Will the siege ever end?
This “ask” is yet another attempt by OVCN to overwhelm the neighborhood. They’ve been pursuing growth for four years now, and we suspect they will continue their relentless efforts regardless of tonight's outcome. Their four year siege demonstrates that they don’t care about the impact on the neighborhood or their neighbors; they only care about getting what they want. This makes it very difficult for the neighbors. We know many of them—they are peaceful and simply want to be left alone to enjoy their lovely homes. After all, the area is unique; it is the original Oro Valley.
We will post an update on what happens at the meeting here. Sign up for our Facebook page so you can get a notice of this an all other updates.
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The Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanmously (7-0) to deny the "ask" for the height increases on the basis that the proposal is incompatible with the area in accordance with the Your Voice, Our Future General Plan design standard.