Wednesday, October 9, 2024

It Sounds So Innocent (Part 3): Residents Voice Major Concern Over Entire OVCN Project

Residents voice concerns over OVCN expansion
Residents voiced concerns in five areas regarding the proposed expansion of the Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene (OVCN) at the September 26 town-hosted neighborhood meeting. These five areas are in addition to the height variance concerns we noted in yesterday's article.

Traffic impact from the new parking lot
One of the concerns raised by residents was the potential increase in traffic caused by the new parking lot, which will accommodate around 600 vehicles. Residents questioned how the added traffic would affect the surrounding neighborhood, particularly during peak times for church services and events.

In response, Paul Oland, representing OVCN, noted that traffic studies had been initiated, but final results were not yet available. He assured residents that the church would work with the town to mitigate traffic impacts, but no specific solutions were presented at the meeting. Town staff also mentioned that the study would be reviewed once complete.

Noise pollution
Several residents expressed concerns about noise levels from ongoing church activities, particularly during outdoor events. One resident mentioned, “The noise from church events already reaches our homes. With more people, this will get worse.”

Oland acknowledged these concerns and assured the residents that the new facilities would focus on indoor activities, reducing outdoor noise. However, he did not provide any specific noise mitigation strategies during the meeting. Town staff did not comment on the noise issue but indicated that noise levels would be monitored to comply with town regulations.

Flooding and drainage issues due to increased paved surfaces

Some residents raised concerns about potential flooding and drainage problems that could arise from the increase in paved surfaces, such as parking lots and new buildings. A resident asked, “With all the new asphalt, what’s going to happen when it rains? Will there be flooding in our streets?”

Oland responded by stating that a detailed drainage plan would be prepared as part of the project’s design and that the church would ensure compliance with Oro Valley’s stormwater management guidelines. He reassured residents that the drainage plan would address their concerns, though no specific details were provided at the time. Town staff confirmed that the drainage study would be part of the formal review process.

Lack of transparency on future expansions
Several residents expressed frustration over a perceived lack of transparency regarding future plans for the church. One resident asked, “Is this project just the start of something bigger? Are we going to see more buildings going up in the next few years?” This concern reflected broader worries about continuous expansion by OVCN.

Oland responded by saying, “There are no plans for future expansion at this time. Our focus is on completing the current project to meet the immediate needs of the congregation.” He reassured residents that the height variance was not part of a long-term expansion plan, but he did not offer specific guarantees about what might happen in the future. Town staff did not comment further on the issue of transparency.

Property value decline due to the project
Another significant concern voiced by residents was how the new facilities and increased activity at the church might impact property values. One resident asked, “How will this project affect our property values? Will all this new construction drive them down?”

In response, town staff stated that the project’s compliance with existing zoning laws and its design considerations, such as landscaping and noise mitigation, were meant to minimize any negative impact on neighboring properties. Oland added that the church had taken steps to ensure the new buildings would blend in with the neighborhood to the best extent possible, though he did not directly address the specific impact on property values.

Yes. The request for height variance on the proposed expansion seems so innocent, but it is ever so complicated.  Tomorrow, one resident explains how something that was so simple at the beginning has turned out to be such a nightmare for their community.