Monday, June 26, 2023

Town Council Specifies: “Disc Golf on Pusch Ridge Course Is A Permitted Summer Activity”

Homeowner Associations that financially support the golf course…
In early June, the three home associations that financially support the Pusch Ridge Golf Course sent a letter to the town alleging breach of an agreement. The agreement is between the associations and the town on, amount other things, this amount of funds that the associations will contribute annually to subsidize regular golf operations. It is our understanding that council discussed that letter in Executive Session last week.

…alleged a breach in their agreement with the town regarding what is a permitted use of Pusch Ridge Golf Course
The alleged breach is the use of the course this summer for disc golf. It is not specifically allowed in the agreement.  In addition, as we previously reported, residents are concerned about the impact of disc golf on ball golf operations, the safety to their homes, and the damage that disc golfers could cause to the golf turf.  They are also concerned that this use may be expanded into what is referred to as the “golf year’ (October 1 through May 31). These concerns were reiterated by residents a last Wednesday’s Oro Valley Town Council meeting (Regular Agenda Item 1).

Perhaps in response, Council voted that disk golf is a permitted use of the Pusch Ridge Golf Course for the summer months
In response to these concerns, upon the urging of Council Member Solomon with a second from Council Member Greene, the council approved the following resolution: “The Town shall give input to Indigo Golf [the current manager of the course] that Disc Golf played on Pusch Ridge golf course be limited to the non golf year, June 1 to September 30, other than specially approved tournaments, and shall not interfere with tradition golf play during the golf year.” Motion passed 6-1 [bohen voting no] That motion was crafted after lengthy discussion by all council members.  

…Without getting any agreement from the Homeowner Associations
The Council’s resolution does not address the breach of the agreement alleged by the homeowner associations. However, what we do not know is what the council decided in the earlier executive session. Since they can only hold an executive session when there is a negotiation in play, we might assume that the associations had been contacted and were in agreement with the council’s resolution.

We don’t know if this settles the matter… but there are unresolved issues
What we do know is that the motion did not include direction to staff to investigate and mitigate the operating issues raised by residents, though that such issues had been discussed.
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