VCA President runs roughshod over Sienna residents
Normally, LOVE does not report the machinations of homeowners associations. They are, indeed, their own legal entity. They are important to the community. They can do great good. They could also do great harm.
It has been reported to us that there is a problem going on involving the Rancho Vistoso Community Association ("VCA") and small managed portion, Sienna.
It seems that VCA Chairman Gail Lopez Van Damm sent out a not board approved draft letter intended for Sienna, to the entire Rancho Vistoso Community. She did so without getting Board approval. Then, she called a Board meeting to get permission to send the letter.
Lopez is on a tear to do something about the fountain entry way to Sienna. First, she wanted to obliterate it. Then, after getting a friendly letter from a Sienna resident attorney, she decided to try to restore it.
She's a two year resident and a transplant from Chicago. What does she really know of the residents of Rancho Vistoso or of Oro Valley?
How did a person who barely has lived in Rancho Vistoso or Oro Valley or Arizona ever get elected to the VCA in the first place?
“No more than Fifty” on Oracle
We hope that you will join our campaign to improve safety on Oracle Road. It’s Oro Valley’s most trafficked road. Drivers routinely exceed the speed limit. The result: Oracle Road is where Oro Valley experiences the most accidents [table right]. In the past tenth months alone, 63% of total accidents involve some intersection with Oracle Road.
The worst intersection is Oracle and Magee. The number 2 worst has nothing to do with Oracle Road but it is under assault. It is Tangerine and 1st/Rancho Vistoso Blvd. This is the area where hundreds of tiny homes are being requested by Avilla.
"In June, the Town of Oro Valley was ranked #1 of “Safest Places in Arizona 2022” by Elite Personal Finance. The website extracted the latest data from the FBI crime statistics in the United States to make its determination. OVPD is proud of this award, as it recognizes our dedication to fight crime and enhance the quality of life in Oro Valley." (Source: OVPD Crimefighter-November 2022)