Thursday, October 13, 2022

Meet Chris Cornelison... Oro Valley's Acting Town Manager

The Town of Oro Valley's Acting Town Manager is Chris Cornelison. Chris assumed this role after the resignation of Mary Jacobs. We asked him to share a bit about himself with the LOVE community.

Focus on moving the town forward as directed by Council
As you can imagine, Chris is busy, at the moment "ensuring that the organization and the community move forward, committed to the directives laid out by Town Council and community."

12th year serving the community
Chris began working with the Town of Oro Valley in 2010 as a part-time graduate intern. Two years later, he was hired full-time by the Town and served in various roles. He was named Assistant Town Manager in March 2017. More recently, his title changed to Deputy Town Manager "... and then—as you know—with Mary’s departure, I am now serving as Acting Town Manager." He will serve in this role until Council contracts a Town Manager.

UA Eller School Graduate... MPA from UA
Chris earned a Bachelor of Science in Public Administration from the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management, in 2010.  He graduated with a double major: Criminal Justice and Management & Public Policy. He earned a Master of Public Administration from the UA School of Government and Public Policy in 2012, with a dual focus in Finance and Local Government.

Active in the profession and the community
Chris is a current member of the International City/County Manager’s Association (ICMA). He plans to apply this year to become a Credentialed Manager Candidate. He also is a member of the Arizona City/County Manager’s Association (ACMA) and served as the Chair for the 2017 ACMA Winter Conference. Chris currently serves as a member of the Community Advisory Board for the University of Arizona School of Government and Public Policy. He is a Professional Advisor for the UA ICMA Student Chapter.

Focused on four key town departments as Deputy Town Manager
As Deputy Town Manager, Chris provided support to four very important departments: Public Works, Parks & Recreation, Community & Economic Development and Town Clerk. He led negotiation efforts with the Town’s Public Safety Negotiations Committee, and served on the Town’s Budget Committee for the bulk of his tenure with the Town. 

Led "OVSafeSteps COVID Business Assistance Program"
One of Chris' notable projects with the Town was his role as Project Manager for the award-winning OVSafeSteps COVID business assistance program launched 2020. "Helping people and providing support to more than 200 local businesses was a collaborative and rewarding experience. The success of this program was a result of the wonderful team at the Town and our community partners like the Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce."

A collaborative work style
Chris describes his work stye as collaborative, honest, direct and fair—"Qualities that I believe will serve me well as I help guide our organization through the coming months."

LOVE thoughts:  Big challenges ahead
It is going to take a while for the town to identify Town Manager candidates. Then, add to that the time it will take for the Council to consider, select, and contract an individual. During this time, big things are happening. This includes possible General Plan Amendments, major public hearings on zoning and  PAD requested changes, and, as we posted this week, key decisions Council needs to make on Parks and Recreation Bond amenities. 

Fortunately, Chris has the direct experience of working with the key departments involved in these efforts. That experience should help him keep the town on a steady course.
More about Chris Cornelison
"On a personal note, I have been with my wife, Bernadette, for more than 13 years (married for the past 8 years), and we are the proud parents of two wonderful and energetic children, ages 4 (daughter) and 11 months (son). Bernadette currently teaches at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy as an Assistant Clinical Professor, while spending half of her time as a practitioner at a Banner Clinic in Tucson. Between our busy jobs and two kiddos, we are an active household, which we love. It’s fair to say we enjoy the challenge of balancing demanding jobs while juggling home life and demanding little personalities.

When we are not visiting family or friends, we enjoy hiking, attending community events and just spending time helping our children grow."