The process begins
"It is my privilege to present the Town of Oro Valley balanced budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022/2023. This budget totals $159.2 million." Thus begins the process of developing the the Town of Oro Valley's budget for 2023. That budget takes effect July 1. The budget includes spending for every service the town provides to the community.
Recommended capital spending record high
The town manager proposes spending more than $56 million on capital items this year. There are eighty-three projects. These projects include spending $10m on the Naranja Park buildout and almost $7m in the replacement of the golf course irrigation on the community center two 18 hole golf courses.
Town operations to cost $90.4 million
Operations includes public safety ($19.1m), water($28.5m), parks and recreation ($15.2m) and public works ($13.0m). Spending on town operations has grown over the years, indicative of the expanded scope of town services. Oro Valley requires more infrastructure to serve the substantial population growth that has happened in the community.
Inflation a major budget factor
According to Jacobs, inflation plays an important role in her recommended budget. On the revenue side, sales tax revenues are inflated because the cost of the things we buy are inflated. "Sales taxes for FY 22/23 are 19 percent higher than the current fiscal year budget, largely reflecting the results inflation is having on local purchases." Inflation is running at about this same rate.
On the expense side: "inflation, supply chain delays, and the impact of overall supply/demand issues have been reflected in the Recommended Budget... Departmental budgets include higher-than-usual annual increases in areas such as gasoline, public safety equipment, field supplies, technology, professional services and more across the organization."
Key dates for budget review and approval
There is plenty of opportunity for residents to learn about and opine on this proposed budget.
- May 11 at 5 p.m. – Council Budget Study Session #1
- May 12 at 5 p.m. – Council Budget Study Session #2
- June 1 at 6 p.m. – Public Hearing and tentative budget adoption
- June 15 at 6 p.m. – Public Hearing and final budget adoption