Concert Campaign Kickoff for Incumbent Candidates on April 30
Friends and neighbors of incumbent Mayor Winfield and Council Members Barrett, Joyce-Ivey, and Nicolson are hosting a campaign kickoff event on April 30. It is at Steam Pump Ranch from 6pm to 9pm. There will be music by the "Final Approach Band." Food, wine and non-alcoholic beverage will be available for purchase.
Today, Town staff celebrates Earth Day
"Town of Oro Valley employees will roll up their sleeves this Friday, April 22, and participate in an Earth Day beautification event from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Employees who volunteer to participate will be picking up litter and debris along sections of La Cañada Drive and Lambert Lane. The invitation to help beautify the community was extended by Oro Valley Mayor Joe Winfield, with the support of Town Manager Mary Jacobs, as part of the statewide #EarthDayAZ effort. The OV Public Works Department will be handling event logistics." (Oro Valley Press Release)
The town reported the financial results of golf operations at this past Wednesday's town council meeting. For the eight months ended this February, the 47-holes of Town owned golf courses are operating at close to break even, a vast improvement from the same time last year (See panel right).
Town releases 2023 Town Manager Recommended Budget
"ORO VALLEY, Ariz. (April 21, 2022) ––The Town of Oro Valley has released the Town Manager’s Recommended Budget for fiscal year 2022/23 in the amount of $159.2 million. Click here to view the budget document in its entirety.
The balanced recommended budget is $2.8 million, or 1.7% lower than the adopted FY 2021/22 budget that totaled $162 million. The General Fund budget totals $51.6 million, a 12% decrease from the FY 2021/22 budget of $58.9 million.
Some overarching themes reflected in the budget include addressing notable cost increases in supplies, operations and maintenance across all departments, adding new employee positions to meet growing service demands, and implementing a robust capital investment strategy utilizing Parks and Recreation $25 million bond proceeds and other one-time revenues." (Source: Town of Oro Valley Press Release)
Read a more about this budget starting Monday In LOVE.
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