Thursday, July 16, 2020

Guest View-Kim Krostue: “Methinks Rodman doth protest”

On incumbent candidate Rodman’s website is an impassioned article defending taking money from construction industry businesses, individuals, and association PACs. Readers are told It’s legal, and the American way for deep pocket donors to back their preferred candidates.

However, rather than defending himself, Mr Rodman relies on James Prunty, a former construction trade association executive, to lecture us on why candidates taking builder and developer money is critical to Oro Valley’s future. This approach is a political tactic to have a surrogate try to diffuse Rodman's big problem with his 2016 special interest contributors.

Unfortunately, we are judged by the company we keep. Prunty, part of the green shirt and recall team, has run an extended smear campaign against Mayor Winfield, Vice Mayor Barrett, and council members Jones Ivey and Nicolson. Identifying himself as a volunteer policeman, he posted a picture of the four on social media calling them inferior which in today’s climate can be viewed as both racist and sexist. Here are the words he has used in his many Explorer published letters to attack them: inferior, serpents, stupid, evil, deceptive, dishonest, the four horsemen, no integrity, not credible, dangerous, untrustworthy, whited sepulcher, disingenuous, and unethical.

It says a great deal about incumbent Rodman that he chose Prunty as his spokesperson defending him for accepting over $20,000 in special interest contributions during his successful 2016 campaign. Assuming we buy Prunty’s thesis that Rodman taking money from developer Fasseas, Diamond Ventures, Venture West, Realtors of Arizona PAC, and the Southern Arizona Home Builders Association is good for business in Oro Valley, how does Rodman explain the $12,900 in contributions he and Solomon each accepted from HSL? 

Kim Krostue
Oro Valley Resident