Monday, July 20, 2020

2020-21 Budget Approved Unanimously

A cautious approach to spending
The Oro Valley Town Council unanimously approved a $105.4 spending budget for this fiscal year. The timing of the spending will depend on the financial impact of the pandemic. Hopefully, according to Town Manager Jacobs, the town will have an idea of how things will play out financially by mid year.

The town has taken a conservative position in this years budget because of the uncertainties of revenues. For example, the budget includes $6.1 million in unallocated spending. In addition, potential spending on capital improvements is being "phased in" during the year. How quickly these projects will happen will depend on the stability and predictability of the town's revenue streams.

           Watch LOVE's one minute budget summary

Budget includes elevator for community center
One of the needs that was unfunded by the Hiremath administration was the need to make the Oro Valley Community Center ADA complaint. One of the compliance measures is an elevator. This is now in the budget. The timing however is a bit unsure. According to Town Manager Jacobs, the location of the elevator will be determined based on the result of the towns Parks and Recreation Master Plan Study. This study is to be completed this fall.

$500K added contribution for PSPRS
The budget includes spending $500k as an additional payment to the State of Arizona Public Safety Pension Retirement Fund ("PSPRS"). This is the same as the added amount paid the past two years under the Winfield Administration. The timing of this payment will depend on the financial impact of the pandemic.

Public Safety challenge gets spending priority
Council was in agreement that public safety funding is critical to maintain. They agreed that public safety spending should be first priority. Town Manger Jacobs staid that "It is my obligation to fix a problem" if she learns of one from Chief Riley. She noted that the town does have contingency reserves to cover unforeseen events.

There were no public hearing discussion
The meeting was a public meeting. No hands were raised.

Effusive thanks to staff
Several times during the discussion, council members thanked staff for their work on the budget. Mayor Winfield summarized the comments: "I want to thank Ms. Jacobs and staff for their incredible work in putting the budget together for this fiscal year...during these unprecedented times of Covid pandemic."