Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Garner Seeks Council Seat

Former council member wants "back in"
Former Oro Valley town council member Bill Garner is seeking  one of the three open council positions in this August's election. Garner served as council member from 2008 to 2016. He and his wife Darlene have two children. They both attend local schools.

Wants to be the voice of the community again...
Garner plans to bring experience and sound decision-making to council. “Having served on council from 2008 to 2016, I have a broad spectrum of understanding to ensure that when decisions are made, they are a reflection of the entire community. I am also not afraid to speak my mind or ask the tough questions that will be needed at the council because I want to be the voice of the community. In the end, I am always thoughtful, transparent and honest in my decision-making processes ”. 

...As he was in the past:  The Oro Valley Aquatic Center
Garner's earlier service on council resulted in massive improvement to the town owned pool, which we now call the Oro Valley Aquatic Center.  The pool, a gift from Pima County when they county gave the town Kreigh Park (then known as Dennis Weaver Park), was a run down, outdated facility. It was not community friendly. It was not kid friendly. It was just a pool.

Garner paid attention to all the details. We recall his insistance that there be family changing rooms and kid friendly stuff. Including the splash pad in the plan was a must for Garner. He also made sure that the aquatic center met all regulations and health compliances.

Today the Aquatic Center is a working example of how council members can work together to build something of value  for all the residents of the community.

Seeking a balance
"I want to insure a balance on council between being environmentally sensitive and economically conservative on town issues. My approach is straight-forward: I look at the facts and make decisions that maintain the high quality community that is Oro Valley."

Sees three immediate opportunities
Garner sees three opportunities facing Oro Valley:
  • Former Vistoso Golf Club
    This property continues to be looked at for preservation and the maintaining of the current recreational zoning designation. If elected, I would work with all parties concerned with this property to maintain the wishes of the residents and to continue to adhere to the General Plan guidance. 
  • Employment and New Business Growth
    Provide additional opportunities for new business growth in the high tech and bio tech sector, in order to provide high quality employment. Promote signature events that bring out of town visitors and provide for economic opportunities and destination marketing.
  • Parks and Recreation Future Directions
    Promote the needs of residents of the town to become active in the current parks and recreation survey the that is available on the town web site. In addition look at funding opportunities and other creative solutions to boost current park assets such as Steam Pump Ranch as well as providing additional amenities based on resident input.
Want to learn more about Bill Garner
You can listen to and learn more about Bill and his views on the challenges facing Oro Valley on Jim Horn's Oro Valley podcast. Jim interviewed Bill last week. Simply click on the picture in the right panel or subscribe wherever you listen to you podcasts.

Want to meet Garner?
468 signatures are required for someone to appear on the August ballot. The signatures have to be those of registered voters who live in Oro Valley. Bill Garner will be at the Oro Valley Public Library seeking signatures every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. He will announce other signing events on the Take Back Oro Valley Facebook page and here on LOVE.