Scare Tactic...Intimidation?
The flyer below was posted on mailboxes within the Canada Hills Community Association. It doesn't say who or what is behind this. It does, however, note that "the event" is NOT organized or sponsored by any HOA".
No decision made
The Council has not made a decision regarding the future of Oro Valley's 47 holes of town owned golf.
For what are they being held accountable?
They are not like the Hiremath Council who pushed the sale through without any due diligence; and with public input that they completely ignored.
Council considering all options
This Council is taking its time, verifying the information.They will make a decision based on what they learn, not from threats.
By the way, the picture of the lush green golf course is not a hole on the Town owned courses. The only holes with a lake are #16 Canada (viewed from La Canada) and #5 Conquistador.