That's the internet protocol ("IP") address of the individual who has set up a google account using a user name of "Richard Cranium"; with a Gmail address of "letorovalleyexcel@gmail.com" The individual sends us several emails each week. Each email is derogatory to LOVE's publisher, LOVE contributors, LOVE supporters; and negative toward anything published in LOVE.
This is a formal notice...
IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::830: Cease and Desist Use Of The 'letorovalleyexcel' name
The individual who has set up this address, and we think we know who this is, has committed a copyright violation by using the "letorovalleyexcel"name in the Gmail address. 'letorovalleyexcel'. That name is the copyright of LOVE.
We are, herein, public this noticing person:
Cease use of the email address "letorovalleyexcel@gmail.com". Attempt no further use of the "letorovalleyexcel" name in any form at any time.
That said...
This person is clearly intimidated by LOVE and our thorough reporting of the issues and facts. If LOVE was as ineffectual as this person claims in their many emails, the person wouldn't be exerting so much time and effort creating fake email accounts and sending a dozen emails to LOVE every month.
If the person had the courage of their convictions, that person would send the emails under their own name, using their own email account.
If they truly were a person of integrity, they would enter into open and honest discourse, rather than violate our copyright.