Monday, December 10, 2018

CAP's Water Source: Lake Meade In Pictures and Words

Our "red flag"
Prior to our extended vacation, we posted a "red flag" regarding Oro Valley Water's reliance on CAP water as a reliable long term water source. Simply put, there is a continuing long term dought that has so drastically reduced reservoir water levels (Lakes Mead and Powell) that water delivery restrictions could result as soon as 2020. Lest you think we're kidding, we did even more research.

We came with 2 excellent reference sources. Both, we think are highly credible.

This chart is of Lake Meade water levels. The source of the chart is the US Department of the Interior. They manage Colorado River water.

Water levels are down 17% in twenty years. The water level is projected to drop even further.

Still not convinced that CAP Water (CAP gets it water from Lake Meade) may not be a sustainable long-term water source?

Then take a look at these 31 pictures courtesy of CBS News. Here's one that shows just how dire the situation has become.

Our point?

The drought is real. Imagining a sudden reversal of this drought is not realistic.

Advocating that Oro Valley has plenty of water to support huge annexation is foolhardy.

Oro Valley ought to consider a water future where CAP water is less, and not more of a water source.