Odds and ends regarding life in Oro Valley
Fall 2017 Parks & Recreation Program Guide now available"Oro Valley, Arizona (July 25, 2017) – Are you excited to see what classes, programs and special events are available this fall in Oro Valley? Then be sure to check out the Fall 2017 Parks and Recreation Program Guide! It includes details on programs for children, recreational offerings for all age groups, educational classes, aquatics, golf, tennis and special events through December 2017.
The Guide is currently available online as a printable PDF or as a digital reader. Hard copies will soon be available at Oro Valley Town Hall (11000 N. La Cañada Drive) and at the Oro Valley Community Center (10555 N. La Cañada Drive).
Digital reader: Click here or copy/paste this URL into your web browser: http://issuu.com/orovalley/docs/recreation-program-guide_f5a6c2c82ce001?e=7482389/51489480
Printable PDF: Click here or copy/paste this URL into your web browser: https://www.orovalleyaz.gov/sites/default/files/media/docs/2017/recreation-program-guide.pdf
For more information on Oro Valley Parks & Recreation, visit
(Source: Town Of Oro Valley Press Release)
Cost of November Bond Election could reach $145,000
Did you know that the Oro Valley Town Council approved spending $78,000 for the bond ballot request for a secondary property tax to fund even more fields for Naranja Park? We've heard, however, that the cost be be as much as $145,000:
- Pima County Recorder $78,000
- Pima County Elections Division 50,000
- Publicity Pamphlet 12,000
- Misc. Costs 5,000
- TOTAL $145,000
Source: https://axethetaxov.com
Round Up (run/walk) this Sunday
Round Up at the Ranch 5K Run/Walk this Sunday to benefit youth recreation scholarships
Oro Valley, Arizona (July 26, 2017) – If you’re looking for a fun opportunity to stay fit and support a great cause, join the Town of Oro Valley this Sunday, July 30, for the second annual Round Up at the Ranch 5K Run/Walk. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Town's Round Up For Youth Recreation Scholarship Program, which makes fee-based recreation programs accessible to Oro Valley youth who reside in financially constrained households.
This fun 5K begins at historic Steam Pump Ranch (10901 N. Oracle Rd.), and heads east along the multi-use path to Catalina State Park. The race begins at 6 a.m. and includes snacks and water. Prizes will be awarded to the overall male and female winners, as well as five-year age groups.
Registration is $20 in advance (click link below to register online) or $25 on race day, from 5 to 6 a.m.. Children 12 and under race for FREE with a paying adult. Free child registration must be done in person on race day, as this option is not available online. T-shirts will be available for purchase online and at the event.
Registration Link
Event web page, course map and flyer: https://www.orovalleyaz.gov/parksandrec/calendar/round-ranch-5k-runwalk-2017.
Questions? Please call Parks & Recreation at 520-229-5050.
Source: Town Of Oro Valley Press Release
Oro Valley seeks to fill Historic Preservation Commission vacancies
Oro Valley, Arizona (July 26, 2017) – The Town of Oro Valley is accepting applications from local citizens who are interested in serving on the Historic Preservation Commission. To serve on a board or commission, members must be Oro Valley residents, be available to attend the designated meetings and be committed to the completion of the Town’s Community Academy within their term.
The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) currently has two open positions that serve up to three-year terms. The HPC was formed to promote the educational, cultural and economic welfare of Oro Valley by ensuring the preservation of historic buildings, districts, landmarks, structures, documents, photographs and other artifacts that represent the historic background and development of the greater Oro Valley area. The HPC meets the first Monday of every month at 5 p.m. at Oro Valley Town Hall, 11000 N. La Cañada Drive.
Residents who are interested in applying for a position can contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 520-229-4700 or apply online by visiting the Boards and Commissions Opportunities webpage at: http://www.orovalleyaz.gov/town/departments/town-clerk/boards-and-commissions.
Source: Town Of Oro Valley Press Release