Please Don't "Rain On Our Parade"
Tomorrow is the Oro Valley Holiday Parade. The forecast is for cooler weather with some showers. The parade starts at 9:30 at La Cholla and Naranja. The parade proceeds east along Naranja to La Canada.
Oro Valley Country Club Sold
The Oro Valley Country Club, Oro Valley's original golf course, was sold to ClubCorp. The sales was announced last week. ClubCorp is an NYSE traded public company (Ticker: MYCC). There was no announcement of the details of the sale. However, we do know that the club was sold by the holder of the notes issued to upgrade the facility.
This club has "extra value" because it has grand fathered water rights. Thus, its water use can not be restricted by the town.
Parks and Recreation Commission Recommends Against El Conquistador Golf Course Purchase
As reported by Becky Pallack of the Arizona Daily Star.
"The parks board voted 5-1 to advise the Town Council to go ahead with the purchase — without the golf business. 'We really wish we could get these wonderful facilities at a cheap cost and dump the golf courses,” board member Dana Hallin said.'"Read the article here
Arizona Daily Independent: "Oro Valley Residents Denied Voice In Proposed El Conquistador Purchase"
The Arizona Daily Independent reports that Oro Valley Council Members Zinkin and Garner have series of concerns. The concerns regard the potential purchase by Town Of Oro Valley of the El Conquistador Golf and Tennis Resort. According to the report, there is great concern as why there is such a rush to purchase this facility, what the facility will really cost Oro Valley, and whether or not the facility will really suit the needs of the community.
Naranja Park Planning Continues: An Event Center and More Possible
Consulting firm McGann and Associates presented the latest draft of a Naranja Park plan to the Oro Valley Parks and Recreation Commission this week. The concept is still in the planning phase. Here is some of what is being considered:
- The archery site would remain as located, with an updated rest room facility
- There is an "Event center " that is the hub of the park
- The plan would add 6 multi-purpose fields with lights
- An outdoor performance area is located north of these fields
- There is a family play area, with recreation equipment and ramadas
- 3 little league sized baseball fields of 200 plus fences and a full-size baseball field are on the north of the property
- There is also a group use area.
This latest plan assumes that the town will purchase the El Conquistador Golf and Tennis Resort and
use it as the Oro Valley's Community and Recreation Center. Town Council will consider this purchase and an increase of .5% sales tax at next Wednesday's regular counsel meeting.
Register Your Players For The "Oro Valley Little League" The Coronado Little League has changed it's name. It is now called the Oro Valley Little League. There are 300 players in the league, ranging from 4 to 18 years old. 75% of the players are Oro Valley residents.
The league has 25 plus teams. It operates 9 months a year. At present, the league uses 2 fields in Oro Valley. The league pays $10,000 per year for field use. Future new fields at Naranja Park will substantially improve their operation.
According to league president, Ray Feltes: "Our next big step is Spring registration. Registration forms available at our web site: www.orovalleyll.com"
You can register players at Dick's Sporting Goods in the Oro Valley Marketplace on the following dates:
- January 11: 1pm-4pm
- January 14: 6pm-8pm
- January 24: 9am-12pm
La Cholla Widening To Start In 2015-16
At this week's general plan amendment hearing, Mayor Hiremath confirmed that widening of La Cholla, originally planned to start in 2021, will start next year (Planning stage) with construction starting in 2016. This project is funded by the Regional Transit Authority ("RTA").
The project will widen La Cholla, from a bit north of Naranja, then south, to a 4-lane desert road with walking and bicycle paths.
Mayor Hiremath is Oro Valley's representative to the RTA. The Mayor is confident that the project will be completed in a timely manner. The Town Of Oro Valley will manage this project.
Oro Valley Launches Youth Recreation Scholarship Program
"Oro Valley, Arizona (December 8, 2014) – The Town of Oro Valley is pleased to announce a new scholarship fund to make fee-based recreation programs more accessible to Oro Valley youth who may be unable to participate in recreational programs and activities due to financial constraints. The funding is received through the Oro Valley Water Utility’s voluntary “Round-Up” program, which allows customers to round up their water bills to the next dollar. Water bill inserts with complete details are currently being mailed to all Oro Valley Water Utility customers, but any interested citizen may donate to the program. See below for details on how to donate or how to apply for a youth scholarship." (Source: Town Of Oro Valley Press Release)
Oro Valley Honors Volunteers Of The Year
Last night, The Town Of Oro Valley honored Lee Craig, Larry Forchione, Ellen Guyer, Warren Lazar, John Lowe, Carolyn Milkey, and Mary Robare as "Volunteers Of The Year." The event was hosted at the Hilton El Conquistador Golf Resort Presidio Ballroom. (Source: Town Of Oro Valley Press Release)
Spring Oro Valley Parks And Recreation Guide Available
Click here to view a copy of the Springs Oro Valley Parks and Recreation guide.
Why does LaCholla widening stop at Naranja? Is that the line between OV and County?
Where is the money coming from to pay for all these facilities at Naranja Park? An event center, 6 multi-purpose fields, 4 baseball fields, etc.? The voters turned down this idea a few years ago.
Let us have a referendum on the purchase of the El Conquistador. Sans the golf course, it might be OK but with the golf course it is chancey......
The TOV Council majority (not Mr. Garner, Mr. Zinkin, or Burns) is gamboling and gambling with our tax money :)
But they have the money for the Hilton.
Just goes to show you that our vote is meaningless. The power elite will do what it wants to do with our tax money.
A mini version of Washington.
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