Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We Agree: Vote For The Best Three Candidates

The Editor of the Explorer, Thelma Grives, posted and editorial today entitled: "It’s not a package deal – Consider OV candidates independently". Click here to read it. Thelma refers to the interviews she did with each of the six candidates, an interview she published last week.   Click here to read that.

In the editorial Thelma writes: "We have heard the rhetoric on both sides, we know who the candidates are, we’ve put out our own questionnaire. Interestingly enough, there was a quick complaint about those questions from a specific group who thought they were too hard. Remember, if you can’t answer hard questions now without telling on The Explorer to your allies, public office is going to be a long-hard road for you to travel. A newspaper’s questions during an election are nothing compared to what a mob of angry residents are going to ask or say when you are looking to raise taxes, or cut programs."(Paragraph 7)

We know for a fact that Bill Garner, Mike Zinkin and Brendan Burns were not the candidates who complained about the "hard" questions.  Read the article that Thelma posted last week. You will see that these three don't back away from the tough stuff!

That said, the three candidates we support in this primary, Burns, Garner and Zinkin, are the best three individuals to deal with the hard decisions---annexation, budgeting, our next general plan, zoning and general plan amendment requests--- that lie ahead.  They will do their homework. They will provide a balance so desperately needed on Council.

Brendan, Bill and Mike will serve only the interest of the people. The will serve as three intelligent, independent Council Members.  They are the best three candidates.


artmarth said...

Without endorsing any candidate, Ms. Grimes writes the following:

"A councilman who questions budgets, reviews an agenda thoroughly, and votes how he or she feels they should, even if it goes against the majority, is the candidate who is looking out for your well being.

A candidate asking hard questions about every topic is doing his job."

Is there any doubt, the ONLY person she describes is Bill Garner?

Ms. Grimes closes her editorial by writing:

"There has been one candidate saying “me, me, me.” Just remember, not one of these candidates did anything on their own. Things get done through a majority vote of the council. If they don’t say “We” in listing accomplishments, then that should raise some red flags for you."

Who is she discretely talking about? No doubt, whatsoever: It's "The Trashman"----Steve Solomon. He's always about himself.

There's a word to describe Solomon. It's "narcissistic."

For a better Oro Valley, please vote for BILL GARNER, MIKE ZINKIN & BRENDAN BURNS!

Desert Voice said...

Yes, vote Burns, Garner, Zinkin, Art!

What are my reservations about Napier who spoke well, wants fiscal responsibility and has experience in public administration?

Napier said he has only two donations on 2/18. That just defied reality as his signs proliferate on OV streets. Signs, rebar, and placing them cost money.
A "Meet and Greet" event at El Con is 2/24. Room price range alone is $400-700. Yes, backers may have contributed after 1/31, too late for that report. But on 2/18 Napier stated he had only two. Deceptive and misleading.

Parish, Sheriff for Pima, acknowledged $33K in donations. He was ousted from office. By 1/31/10 Hornat, Snider and Waters recorded between $2500-4500, only 1 listed a public agency donation. More came later. Fall 2011 LOVE published their "public interest" contributions. Both strategies drew negative feedback. So Napier decided to minimize his. He set himself up for scrutiny of another kind.

Schedule D of Napier's report 1/31/12 shows $376 in 4 payments to a woman for "assistance with petitions", assistance undefined.. Fiscally responsible? Hmmm? In these tough economic times he pays for assistance while Zinkin, Garner and Burns engage volunteers. That "detail" suggests that past performance will predict future performance. Napier "talks" fiscally conservative but does act act fiscally responsible?

Sorry, Mr. Napier, there's a devil in your details.

Desert Voice said...

Zee and Art,

Yes, these three do their homework. How refreshing that is for "OV on the move"! Three who take their time,talents and treasures and invest them in their campaigns each with unique personal style.

Burns, the youngest, articulated two gems which showed careful thought about a sensitive topic:the police study. A Major in Army Reserves, Burns asked, "Does anyone know one government agency which can't use improvement?" and immediately followed with, "I'd want to know how we could make our citizens the safest for our money."
Could anyone dispute either statement? NO! Two brilliant positions from a young man just starting his career.

Garner, whose unrelenting courage on citizens' issues oftens meets with total opposition is outstanding. His preparation is thorough, creatively solving problems and saving Town money.Garner roots the issues in their history. Knowledgeable, brave, and with a compassionate heart, Garner's track record speaks for itself.

Zinkin's speed in assessing air traffic and prioritizing crises, fine tuned his razor sharp instincts to focus. Efficiently and effortlessly he rivets on the issue. Gentle with feelings, ie praising the police performance, but unequivocally Zinkin stated, "I support the police study." Clear, direct, without confrontation, he expressed his position. If emotional intelligence is the criteria for success in life, Zinin is a champion.

Integrity, education, work ethic, and three unique sets of skills! How lucky we the voters are to have them run!