Thursday, August 19, 2010

John Musolf Questions Oro Valley's "Balanced Budget"

PLEASE---Take a few minutes to read how this council is spending OUR money. Once again, we are grateful that our friend John Musolf cares enough to raise serious questions on our budget.

Too bad, this town government cares less about the citizens to totally disregard John's valuable insight.

John sent an email to the Mayor,Council and Staff earlier this week. He requested answers to his questions. Read his email here. Note: To make it easier to read, we saw fit to eliminate many of the individual expense tables John included in his analysis.

Please see the next posting to read John's email request and the response from the Oro Valley Interim Assistant Town Manager.


Mayor and Council

We have seen our federal and state governments spend money with little justification and ignore the taxpayer.

There are many examples of Oro Valley expenditure money set aside in the FY2010/2011 so called "balanced budget" that in my opinion have questionable legitimacy, are not very prudent or should be evaluated in more depth.

I have attached a "balanced budget" analysis that looks at O&M expenses for all departments other than the police. Please make this email part of the public record.

John Musolf
Oro Valley Taxpayer

What is a “Balanced Budget”?

In my opinion, a balanced budget simply means that the town staff has identified the revenue that is available and matched it to the expenditures that the department managers feel is necessary to continue day to day operations. The primary missing element in most budgets is usually justification for these expenditures.

For example, an individual citizen looks at their income and estimates what their day to day expenses will be and tries to balance them with income. If they are successful then they will be in mathematical balance (income = expenses). However, a citizen may have set aside an expenditure for $10,000 for a “dream vacation” in Tahiti instead of money for his children’s college education or his own retirement. So, in spite of the mathematical balance he may not be very prudent about his expenditures. However, this is an individual’s right to spend money as they see fit.

However, the difference is that the elected officials and appointed government staff has a fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayer. In tough economic times, governments need to “tighten their belts” and not just balance the taxpayer revenue to meet taxpayer obligations.

Let’s look closer at the Oro Valley FY 2010/2011 “Balanced Budget”.

Miscellaneous Expenses.

How many individual taxpayers (citizens) have a personal expenditure called Miscellaneous Other Operating Expense?

Perhaps, a more detailed explanation of these miscellaneous governmental expenses would be helpful?

00011590 6045 Gen Adm Misc Other Oper 27050
00035120 6045 DIS Permit Misc Other Oper 16000
01077010 6045 Pub Wrk Adm Misc Other Oper 3000
01077160 6045 Pub Wrk Oper Misc Other Oper 4000
03001003 6045 Steam Pump Misc Other Oper 4000

Total 54050

Special Accounts

Is it critical to the town operations that we set aside expenditure money for an Employee Holiday Party especially after giving them two additional holidays?

00011590 6078 Gen Adm Emp Holiday Party 6000

What are these expenditures for special events (not defined) for a couple of departments?

00011210 6089 Town Mgr Special Events 2500
00044010 6089 Park&Rec Adm Special Events 8300

Could the Council temporarily suspend recognition ceremonies for volunteers and just give them a public announcement of “well done”?

00011010 6075 Council Volunt Recog Cerem 12000

Could the Town temporarily suspend the Employee service awards?

00011280 6076 Employee Service Awards 10000

What is this expenditure for?

00011210 6042 Town Mgr Public Info Serv 2400

Memberships and Travel/Training Expenses.

Perhaps a more detailed explanation of the memberships might be helpful. For example, are these memberships required for job certification or performance or are they discretionary to the operation of the department? Has this been vented and documented?

Also, has all the training/travel expense been linked to required meetings or seminars that are required to enhance the ability of the employee to deliver better service to the community? Has this been vented and documented?

The Memberships (Council $55,238) and Travel & Training (Council $41,000).

General Admin Memberships ($3,000) and Travel & Training ($15,000).

For What and for Who?

Office Leases.

The Town Leases Space for the Recreation Department? Have any alternatives been explored?

Recreation Department
Account 00044190 6047 Office Lease $25,250
Account 00044220 6047 Office Lease $30,750

Outside Professional Services.

Perhaps, a more detailed explanation of these Outside Professional Service expenses in the budget would be helpful?

Have any alternatives or reductions to these services been explored or evaluated? Are they critical to the operation of that department and the citizens of Oro Valley?


OVDad said...

Let's cut the holiday party that will save as much money as John Musolf's repetitive and unnecessary requests cost. Let's make this town an awful place to work at and deny people training, but then complain that the town employees are doing a bad job. Let's try to save money by no longer honoring deserved volunteers (my 'well done' to you, Mr. Musolf) and remove the incentive of actual social recognition for volunteerism.

Welcome to Art and John Musolf's Oro Valley 2010!

artmarth said...

Yeah! Except for one thing "Dad"---- With Hiremath's 2010 Oro Valley, there will be NO volunteers.

In case you forgot, the mayor wants to "axe" the volunteers.

I guess that way he'll have more money to pay outlandish salary increases and give more days off to the staff.


Christopher Fox said...

It appears to me that Ms. Lemos lays the responsibility for all of these expenditures squarely on the shoulders of the Council. My question is, do any of the council members offer regular newsletters that explain the reasoning behind their decision-making processes?

artmarth said...

Chris-- The short answer is---Nc!

The only one that gives coherent reasons for NOT spending our money is Bill Garner.

I'd tell you to write to the others and ask for a response, but if John Musolf isn't paid attention to, I don't think you'd have much success.

arizonamoose said...

It is obvious that OV Dad has never placed a “Request for Information” with the Town of Oro Valley”. The Request for Information is used to obtain existing public records.

The Munis system (Oro Valley uses this software system) simply searches for key words and dates on the subject of the inquiry and provides either a PDF file or printed output of the existing public records. There is no huge “extra expense” to create any additional information as OV Dad implies. However, Oro Valley does charge the requestor money (dollars) to obtain copies of the existing information (that is only fair). Over the last five years I have invested hundreds of dollars to obtain information pertinent to the Town operations to be able to factually analyze a particular subject.

For over fifty years of my working life, I performed many studies, audits, and evaluation of private, non-profit, and governmental organizations. All of these organizations questioned any memberships and travel/training costs and whether they were related to job certification or performance. OV Dad somehow feels that this is not necessary.

OV Dad also points out that volunteering to help out the Town of Oro Valley must be based on “social recognition”. It is a sad commentary on the kind of Oro Valley that OV Dad would like. Let’s perform acts of volunteerism based on rewards not good intentions. I do wish to thank OV Dad for his comment on giving me a “well done”.

John Musolf

OVDad said...

Dear John Musolf,

Job well done, again.

1. I was not referring to your electronic requests. I was talking about e-mails and letters, requesting to be made part of public records etc.. Your analyses thus cost the people that are paid from our tax money time, and time, as we all know, is money.

2. Your comment regarding volunteers is taking my comment out of context. Whatever motivations volunteers might have to pursue their passion is not up to either of us to judge. I simply believe cutting money wisely spent on giving those volunteers the respect and recognition they deserve is - to say the least - disrespectful and a terrible sign.

3. The organizations that pay you might be interested in questioning travel expenses, yet nobody in this town besides Art Segal and a few others have asked you to perform your 'analyses', thus you cannot expect other people to think your questioning of travel and education cost is 'necessary'.

4. You cannot claim that, if the town followed through on all your requests, it would not cost us time and money to do so. The money that would then be spend, I'd rather spend on recognizing volunteers. But that's a matter of preference, and since you are the one making the requests, I would never expect you to share my preference.

artmarth said...

"dad" What nonsense! Neither I nor anyone else asks John to do what he does---spend his OWN money, spend his OWN time and work on his OWN for the betterment of thousands of his fellow citizens.

Your premise is faulty. Hence, your conclusion is worthless!

Nombe Watanabe said...

I do not know why we bother. Here on this blog and in communication with the town government, AZ Moose has identified redundant taxation and wasteful expense.

Both county and town government ignore our requests for a more rational budget. Their response, increase the tax rate to maintain the status quo.

If Sears has to cut employees it is painful, but it is done. If government has to cut employees - they raise taxes. What is wrong with this picture?

And, OV Dad, when I worked for the Dept of Defense, home of the 600$ hammer, I can assure you that no tax dollars funded our Christmas party.
We held a few bake sales for our party fund.

Oh, if we need police at our schools, Ms Cyclone, why not fund them with the same methods, bake sales, car washes, and other parent driven activities.

Fear the Turtle said...

People in the private sector have been hit hard in this economy, but yet these government entities have been disgusting in their lack of fiscal control and are accountable to no one.

We had a neighborhood meeting the other day and the folks out here are real ticked off.

No longer will people just sit around and twiddle their thumbs while Rome burns. For the first time I see real anger in people faces, and they want to get involved to control this spending. The apathy in the OV community has been melted away by the callous regard our town has shown to us in the form of this budget.

Palomino said...

So in OV Dad's world, we SHOULD spend the town's money (contributed by Oro Valley residents and taxpayers) on a holiday party for the staff and on recognizing volunteers.

But we SHOULDN'T spend that money (contributed by Oro Valley residents and taxpayers) allowing THOSE SAME Oro Valley residents and taxpayers the opportunity to make requests of the town staff because that costs money.

Newsflash #1: It's OUR money!
Newsflash #2: The town works for US!

If they can spend money on parties and recognizing volunteers, then they can damn well spend money reading and responding to e-mails, faxes, telephone calls, in-person requests, etc.

For you to say we should spend the money on parties and recognitions but NOT on having employees actually responding to the questions/requests of the people who pay their salaries, well, that is complete and utter nonsense.

Let me explain it for you in a different way.

You are the owner of an Oro Valley business. Would you spend your money on parties and recognizing volunteers or would you spend it on customer service...responding to questions/needs of your customers? Would you say, "I can't spend time responding to my customers requests. That takes time and time is money."

OVDad said...


It's really easy to get people worked up over the expenses of an office party and I congratulate you and your peers of having found something that can be exploited to make your point. The fact is, it costs little to nothing, especially comparing it to other items of the budget, while it builds morale, that a few years or months ago was almost inexistent.

NEWSFLASH: It's OUR money.

No kidding, it's my money too. I just don't have a problem with it since I think it is well invested in this case. And good job on twisting my words. I never said they shouldn't answer to us, I only meant to articulate that John Musolf's work (?) costs taxes and thus OUR money. However, it is a very small amount and while I don't think it has the morale building effect an office party has, I could care less about it. Maybe that office party gives them the morale needed to research all the so-called question he and you raise.

Let me explain it for you in a different way.

You are the owner of an Oro Valley business. Would you spend your money on parties (that boost employee morale and enthusiasm, thus bring in more customers and retain them with your employee's good service and dedication to your business) and recognizing volunteers (that make your business place significantly safer/busier/prettier)? I'm sure the sensible business man you are would.

Please stop the witch hunt. Stop thinking that everyone is out to get your money. It's good to pay attention and John Musolf's work (which I admit, I never fully read) may raise an interesting point or two, I just want to ensure the discussion is balanced and doesn't focus on a few points that are easily exploited to appeal to people's emotion while contributing next to nothing to a more balanced budget.

I don't want to pay taxes either. Trust me on that. I just realize the service I receive from the town costs money. And while I am sure I contribute more than I get in return (with money going to schools and bus services for the elderly etc.), I am fine with it because it helps build a community that I am proud to live in. That's why I need to counter some of your views.

Nombe Watanabe said...

Fear the Turtle/Palomino:

Well said. Call me when you get your property tax statement next month.

I see some unhappy campers in the county.

artmarth said...

Geez Dad--- Why don't you go back and read your last comment and see how ridiculous it is.

You find fault with Palomino for his concern about spending taxpayers money on an office party, and then you state---quoting you---

"It's good to pay attention and John Musolf's work (which I admit, I never fully read) may raise an interesting point or two, I just want to ensure the discussion is balanced and doesn't focus on a few points that are easily exploited to appeal to people's emotion while contributing next to nothing to a more balanced budget."

Perhaps if you read all the ways John notes how this council can save----"not next to nothing," as you suggest, but tens of thousands of taxpayers dollars, you'll realize the folly of your comment.

arizonamoose said...

OV Dad

I am quoting your statements:

“It's good to pay attention and John Musolf's work (which I admit, I never fully read) may raise an interesting point or two, I just want to ensure the discussion is balanced and doesn't focus on a few points that are easily exploited to appeal to people's emotion while contributing next to nothing to a more balanced budget.”

“It's really easy to get people worked up over the expenses of an office party and I congratulate you and your peers of having found something that can be exploited to make your point.”

OV Dad, I can see you practice what you preach! Focus on a few points that are easily exploited to appeal to people’s emotion. You do admit that you never fully read my work, otherwise you would have discussed some of the other points I raised in my balanced budget analysis besides the Employee Office Party.

Special Accounts

What are these expenditures for special events (not defined) for a couple of departments?

00011210 6089 Town Mgr Special Events 2500
00044010 6089 Park&Rec Adm Special Events 8300

Memberships and Travel/Training Expenses.

For example, are these memberships required for job certification or performance or are they discretionary to the operation of the department? Has this been vented and documented? Incidentally, there is no real operating department called “General Administration”. It’s an accounting mechanism.

General Admin Memberships ($3,000) and Travel & Training ($15,000). For who and for what?

Miscellaneous Expenses.

How many individual taxpayers (citizens) have a personal expenditure called Miscellaneous Other Operating Expense?

00011590 6045 Gen Adm Misc Other Oper 27050
00035120 6045 DIS Permit Misc Other Oper 16000
01077010 6045 Pub Wrk Adm Misc Other Oper 3000
01077160 6045 Pub Wrk Oper Misc Other Oper 4000
03001003 6045 Steam Pump Misc Other Oper 4000

Outside Professional Services.

Although, Art did not list the detail (which is quite lengthy) for Outside Professional Services from my balanced budget analysis let me cite you a couple of examples.

Are they critical to the operation of that department and all the citizens of Oro Valley?

Although I would like a more detailed explanation, these expenditures are probably mandated by law or policy and would be correct:

00022010 6005 Town Legal O/S Prof Serv 72000
00022040 6005 Town Legal O/S Prof Serv 5000
02090000 6005 Gen Adm Muni Debt O/S Prof Serv 10000
02090030 6005 Gen Adm Oracle Rd Debt O/S Prof Serv 1600
03001003 6005 Gen Adm Steam Debt O/S Prof Serv 16000

These expenditures are a little more obscure and could use clarification:

00011590 6005 Town Gen Adm O/S Prof Serv 301000

06077010 6005 StormWater O/S Prof Serv 139568

01077160 6005 Town Pub Wrk Oper O/S Prof Serv 59000
01077190 6005 Town Pub Wrk Oper O/S Prof Serv 85000

John Musolf

Palomino said...

OV Dad,

What are you implying when you say "John Musolf's work(?) costs taxes and thus OUR money." What's with the question mark after the word "work?" Are you implying that the in-depth analysis he prepares isn't work? If you think it's "fun" or "easy" why don't YOU take the time to do it?

And what's this comment --

"Maybe that office party gives them the morale needed to research all the so-called question he and you raise"

Are you saying that town employees can't do their job unless they have a morale-boosting party first? People are hired to do a job. The only thing the employer "owes" the worker is to pay them as agreed and provide benefits and vacation time as agreed and to treat them with respect. If the employer does those things, morale will be just fine and no party is necessary.

So to answer your question, NO, if I were the owner of a business I would NOT spend my money on parties to boost employee morale. I would treat my employees with respect and always verbally acknowledge a job well done. If an employee consistently went above and beyond their job expectations, I would reward them with a nice raise.

If I do all of this and my employees are still not dedicated to my business, then the last thing I would do is throw those ungrateful people a party.

You belittle John Musolf's work, yet admit that you "never fully read it." It's fascinating that you feel qualified to offer your opinion on something when you admit that you don't actually know all the details.

You said "I just realize the service I receive from the town costs money." That's right. We pay for SERVICES, not PARTIES.

Astute Gal said...

One question: If the volunteer appreciation event and the so-called employee holiday party were eliminated from the budget, how would it affect you?

It would not affect your property taxes. The retail sales tax would remain the same. The money would remain in the general fund and could be used, I suppose, for some small street maintenance project.

But overall, I think it's better to recognize the contributions of both volunteers and employees (many of whom work long hours in the public eye). It's a small investment with a huge return. As a business owner, I learned that events such as these--where employees and volunteers are publicly praised--are morale builders if done correctly.

And, again, the elimination of these two events would not change my life one iota.

artmarth said...

I'll tell you what "Astute Gal"--- Forget about the damn party and the extra days off.

Why not show some "astuteness" and comment on ALL the other ways John Musolf shows how WE, the taxpayers can save money if this council would only listen.

Unlike, OV Dad, you may have to actually read what John says in his outstanding analysis before you comment further.

Astute Gal said...

I have read Mr. Musolf's comments and suggestions. Mostly, he has posed questions. Until he answers his own questions, there's not much more that I can say that would be supported by facts.

He wants to know what these line items represent. Fair enough. There is a constituent services person in the Town Manager's office, no? Let that person run down the answers for him and for us.

And, for the record, I did not introduce the use of the word "damn" regarding the party or anything else. Let's keep this civil.

artmarth said...

Astute Gal--- Certainly, you must be kidding.

You write: "Until he (John) answers his own questions, there's not much more that I can say that would be supported by facts."

John asks questions of staff & council and attempts to get answers. Answers do NOT come!

You write: "There is a constituent services person in the Town Manager's office, no? Let that person run down the answers for him and for us."

Perhaps you missed John's query to, NOT the Constituent Service person, but a few levels higher---the Town Mgr & Interim Assist Town Manager (aka Finance Director.)

The response was total nonsense. Here's an excerpt.
"Thank you for your opinions expressed in your attachment. Council has reviewed and approved all of these expenditures, recognizing staff to be trustworthy in guarding the precious resources to be expended and representing you in this democratic process of representative government."

Stacey Lemos, CPA
Interim Assistant Town Manager

So much for answers!

As for "damn"---call it what you wish. I prefer to allude to the party at taxpayers expense as that "damn" party!

Jerene Watson and Stacy Lemos

I recently sent this "balanced budget" email to the Mayor & Council as well as Town staff and local media.

I raised many expenditure questions. Can you please provide answers.

Thank You
John Musolf

Astute Gal said...

I don't care who he asks. For the moment, his questions hang out there with no answers. I only suggested another route. The Town cannot deny anyone the right to view supporting documents.

Jay D said...

Art, I must take exception to your comments. I remember a very recent discussion regarding the lack of civility and respect on this thread. Your use of the word "damn" is a small part of this. In general, your comments to people who disagree with your point of view tend to be disrespectful. You wrote to OV Dad, "Your premise is faulty. Hence, your conclusion is worthless!" A reasonable discussion on this blog (if this is possible) would warrant all points of view. I can't imagine many people wanting to blog here, knowing that their conclusions might be labeled "worthless." You asked Astute Gal, "Why not show some "astuteness..." I believe her comments were astute, just not in your opinion.

Again, I suggest you allow people with all opinions to post here, not just those who you feel have worthwhile or astute comments to make!

artmarth said...

JayD--Pretty much everyone, including you who misquotes me, (see OV Shopping post) are welcome to comment.

Opinions belong to an individual.

Opine all you want.

Disagree all you want but don't take liberties by misquoting me.

Jay D said...

Art, again I did not misquote just didn't get what I was saying.

Apparently, you misunderstand my point on this thread. I agree that everyone is entitled to an opinion. My point to you is that you do not treat people with respect! I clearly quoted your comments (by cutting and pasting so there was no mistaking how you worded your responses to people) to point out the lack of civility you exhibit.

Oro Valley Mom said...

I'd like to thank Mr. Musolf for his service in analyzing the budget.

One thing that hasn't been addressed: OVDad stated that "The fact is, [a party] costs little to nothing, especially comparing it to other items of the budget, while it builds morale, that a few years or months ago was almost inexistent."

It seems to me that these parties have indeed been held over the past few years and months. So if the parties have been held, and morale has been "inexistent," then how do parties build morale?

Also, does anyone know which of these line items paid for the parties for the former mayor who was voted out in the primary?