We join with most other Oro Valley residents in applauding the decision to have the Basis School come to Steam Pump Village in Oro Valley.
However, it seems a little self-serving for Mayor Hiremath to say "the efficiencies of the town's revised development process." was responsible for the speed in getting the job done. Hiremath must realize the previous council was responsible for getting the school here and putting it on "fast track."
Here's The Explorer article.
Didn't Hiremath try to delay the opening by quibbling over an appraisal? Didn't he also try to justify his stalling by saying that the council had to start acting with integrity, or some nonsense like that?
OVMom--Not only that, but it's worth noting that the all volunteer DRB that Hiremath wants to "axe," approved the Basis School.
So much for the DRB being an obstacle for worthy developments in Oro Valley.
The word that comes to mind in describing Hiremath, is "disingenuous."
The real answer to OV Mom's question is "No." Mayor Hiremath (I use the official title because it will serve to irritate some folks)only wanted "transparency" by making sure that appraisal questions passed the legal muster.
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