Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Pedestrian Bridge To Connect Steam Pump Village To Oro Valley Marketplace

As reported in the Nov. 19 Explorer, the new pedestrian bridge will cost $844,000 with ADOT paying $250,000 and OV picking up the balance of $594,000.

As reported,Oro Valley Marketplace developer Vestar was originally asked to build a sidewalk along Oracle Road."There was no good way for them to do it so the disconnected path option was pursued” said Town Engineer Craig Civilier.

How's this for an idea. Remember that $400,000+ water line damage caused by Vestar during their construction. As far as we know, Oro Valley taxpayers (as of now) are picking up the tab.

Well, why not have Vestar pay the $400K for the bridge and Diamond Ventures, developer of Steam Pump Village "kick in" the balance of $154K?

Wouldn't that be a lot better than the citizens paying for it?

By the way,we don't believe the Town Council voted on this expenditure. We'll wait & see how it goes, and let you know.

Read the article here.


Nombe Watanabe said...

Ok, who is going to use the bridge to nowhere?

What is at Steam Pump Village?
A chain restaurant, which smells like old grease. A home design center which in this recession is -most likely - not selling much, a low rent hotel.

From my observation of typical Wal-Mart shoppers, they can hardly walk from their cars to the store -much less over a elevated walk-way.

Zev Cywan said...