Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cheryl Smith Offers A Proposal For Arroyo Grande

In her letter to The Explorer, Cheryl Smith suggests Arroyo Grande to be a Hi Tech area. Her letter is below.

OV should back high tech, few homes on parcel

Oro Valley is seriously considering annexing thousands of acres called Arroyo Grande just north of our town. Since this is one of the most important decisions facing the town and surrounding communities, there are many factors to consider before this decision is made.

Water sustainability and traffic are two of the most important and thus far, I have not heard any acceptable answers.

Aside from open space and wildlife concerns, the remainder of Arroyo Grande should be zoned only for medical, solar, biotech and related industries. These types of industries are clean, and offer high-paying careers that would enhance the sagging economic situation facing all communities.

Oro Valley would benefit through an increase in home values and sales taxes generated by businesses in the area.

Powerful agencies at the state, county and local levels reiterate that due to certain stipulations we’ve made in the form of open space, they must have 16,000 homes. I reject that suggestion and implore this council to reject any proposal with so many homes.

I also respectfully urge the council to work with its legal staff to determine if the state land threat to give control of Arroyo Grande to the town of Marana is real or otherwise. I would like to see a legal opinion from the Oro Valley staff in writing and hear it discussed at a future council meeting before the general plan is changed or Arroyo Grande is annexed.

Oro Valley is the “plum” the state land department covets. With our zip code, the developers will reap the largest amount of income on their investment. To me, that sounds like a powerful negotiating tool. Therefore, I strongly urge this council to seriously consider high tech and protection of the critical open space and wildlife corridors.

The Town of Oro Valley can make it happen. I urge those citizens who agree with this proposal to write their local, county and state officials with a high tech proposal.

Cheryl Smith

Oro Valley

1 comment:

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ms. Smith....

I will at this time not disagree with any of your comments. However the ONLY way Oro Valley can insure you ideas become a reality is to annex the land.

As I have stated from the beginning, all of the discussions about the uses for the land are useless unless ORO VALLEY HAS CONTROL. That means annexation. That's job 1.