Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tucson Lifestyle Intern Writes An Unsubstantiated Article On Naranja Park

I called and spoke to Scott Barker, Executive Editor, to point out that an article "Park Placed?" in their Nov. 2008 issue discussing the Naranja Park Bond Issue is full of inaccuracies.

And is it any wonder. The reporter, Jennifer Richardson, who I determined was an intern who longer works there, saw fit to interview Dick Johnson, and did nothing whatsoever to verify his information.

You remember Johnson. He is a big proponent of the park, but his vote is no more important than anyone else. That was not the case when as council member Johnson, he was responsible for voting and "sticking us" with $50 million in giveaways to Vestar & other retail developers.

As for the article, "the intern" accepted Johnson's claim that "the monthly cost for residents would be approximately $7.00 per household." That figure is far from being accurate.

Johnson went on to say; "if (the bond issue) passes, the council will begin issuing authorization for construction." Who, besides Johnson knows that to be a fact?

The final two comments the "intern" accepted from Johnson was his prediction that locals will be able to enjoy this "recreational utopia by early 2011." Additionally, Johnson's last quote: "It will be a signature asset to the town."

What a Crock!

Mr. Barker had difficulty understanding my two points.
1) He shouldn't allow an intern to write a one-sided article on a contentious issue that is sent out a week prior to the election.
2) You don't allow an intern (or any reporter) to write an article without at least trying to collaborate what a (biased) person tells you.

To his credit, Barker said he'd consider printing my letter if I saw fit to write one concerning this article. I told him, by that time the election will be over, so why waste my time.

Hopefully, our voters will not "buy" Johnson's "words" and they'll vote "NO" on this "Sports Complex."

Here's the article.

1 comment:

AzVicki said...

The media having a bias? I'm SHOCKED!