Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A New Blogger Says "NO" On Naranja Bond Issue

"Sacredbirder" is a new blogger who commented on a recent posting. Hopefully, more readers will see it here than as a comment. Hence---here is the comment thanks to "sacredbirder"


sacredbirder said...

I will definitely vote against this bond issue, the first time ever that I have voted against any bond issue. My reasons: the Naranja sports complex is a huge luxury, not a necessity. Roads, libraries, and schools are necessities. I am totally fed up with the rampant overspending that has gotten us into the financial difficulty our country is facing now. I have lived my entire life with the attitude that I would not buy anything, other than my first house, that I couldn't pay cash for. As a result, even though I am a senior citizen living on a small fixed income now, I am doing OK. I would have no problem voting for a bond issue that would benefit our schools, but I'll be darned if I will go quietly into poverty with increased property taxes to help finance what I see as an out of control example of the "want, want, want, spend, spend, spend" mentality that is gripping our society and driving it into the ground.

Marion Erickson