Monday, October 13, 2008

A New Blogger Makes Sense Out Of Naranja Bond Issue

Every so often I see fit to take a comment and give it greater visibility as a new posting. I'd like to thank "Common Sense Thinker" for commenting on the Naranja Bond Issue.

How refreshing to read a coherent sensible point of view, without the sarcasm we always see from another so called "thinker."


Common Sense Thinker said...

I am new to this blog, but not new to the issue. I have followed very closely the upcoming park bond election and find it very troubling to say the least. Instead of conceding to the fact that the bond election could not come at a worse time for the YES folks, here is OV Objective Thinker spewing his emotional and irrational comments all over the blog. Any rationale voter is not about to vote themselves a secondary property tax in these tough economic times. I know the YES folks will tell you it is for the kids and lets make the park a reality, but wise voters know different. The YES folks love to tell you about the kids because that is all they have and will ride the emotional roller coaster in an effort to some how sway the voters from the real issue which is vote for a PROPERTY TAX!

OV Objective Thinker will have you to believe that Oro Valley is under parked, telling you that we only have 100 acres of space. What we really need is 400 acres according to his estimates. Ask him to qualify his position and where he came up with such an estimate. Readers of this blog should go to the City of Tucson strategic plan and read for yourself that even the City of Tucson is not mandating even close to these numbers. That's right a large city not even close to these estimates.

Furthermore, what happened to Catalina State Park is this suddenly closed and off the map? Ask the YES folks what will happen when Arroyo Grande is potentially developed, and why should the existing taxpayers be burdened with this park. Lets share the wealth with the newcomers in 10 to 15 years. Maybe even using some of the newly enacted impact fees for our parks or even a donation from a future developer. Folks this park is wrong for all the right reasons as the demographics have changed in Oro Valley since the first of many special interest groups gathered around a table speaking of their wants.

This park is still a want and not a need as we do not need to be supporting the sports teams of Pima County as well as Oro Valley. I say you need fields then go out and raise the funds and build your own sports fields, but leave the citizens of Oro Valley alone.

October 13, 2008 7:07 PM


Zev Cywan said...

This post nails it! Thank you 'common sense thinker'!

Victorian Cowgirl said...


Richard Furash, MBA said...

Sports teams in Saddlebrook and Voyager have built their softball playing facility from funds that they raised. The teams in a league I play in back east did the same thing.

All they got from the general public is some town land.

They paid for everything else.

You want new ball fields (and I do), then go raise some money to do so?

You want a BMX racing thing? Then do the same.